WG C Groundwater Draft Mandate 2010-2012 Johannes Grath (Umweltbundesamt AT) Balázs Horváth (DG Env) Draft for Discussion SCG 7/8 May 2009
Discussion of WG C Mandate for 2010 – 2012 Underlying background 1st RBMPs are drafted – based on existing guidance doc‘s; Hence, lessons learnt during this first phase shall be summarized supporting the 2nd RBMP delevopment. Relevant issues to be discussed GWD Art. 10 requires review of GWD Annex I and II by 16th Jan. 2013 – Input from WG C shall be provided White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change states clearly the need for CC proofed RBMPs – GW-specific issues shall be discussed and summarized accordingly Under the current mandate of WG C a guidance for development of conceptual models and risk assessment is elaborated – the remaining issue „risk management“ considering soil – GW interaction shall be dealt with in the next period
What should be the WG C mandate? General aims and objectives: Pursue exchanges and lessons learnt during first phase of implementation WFD/GWD Discuss „burning/open issues“ and provide respective support How to manage development of next RBMP considering new elements e.g. CC adaptation four activities were identified relevant
WG C Groundwater Draft Mandate 2010 – 2012: Planned activities – outcome of WG C discussions at the last meeting Exchange of best practices related to implementation of groundwater issues of the WFD and GWD; Contribution to the review of the GWD in 2013; Climate change effects on groundwater – expected pressures and impacts and its consideration in RBMPS; Risk management and implementation of measures. Soil- groundwater interaction and the soil functions with regard to the conceptual model of GW-bodies and pressures Outcome of WG C discussion: priority is given to Topics 1- 3; (presentation without ranking)
Activity 1 Exchange of best practices related to implementation of groundwater issues of the WFD and GWD; Threshold values Procedures for status and trend assessment (compliance regime) GW-dependent ecosystems Lessons learnt from 1st RBMP Exemptions Article 6 GWD exchange about hazardous and non hazardous substances etc. Support preparation of 2nd cycle of RBMPs ……. objective/outcome: technical reports summarizing best practice with main emphasis on challenging issues e.g. GW-dependent ecosystems, …
Activity 2 Contribution to the review of the GWD in 2013 Review is foreseen for Annex I and Annex II WG C will provide input for this review e.g. results from activity 1 can be used, moreover Input to be expected from GENESIS objective/outcome: WG C recommendation to EC concerning review of GWD Annex I and II
Activity 3 objective: Technical Report for CC-impact in RBMPs Climate change effects on groundwater – expected pressures and impacts and its consideration in RBMPS Improving the information basis, Considering broader water management issues related to climate change (e.g. related to land use, or water demand/supply management); Improving/review of monitoring to detect climate change impacts Next RBMP shall be “climate change proofed” What are the requirements for MS within RBMP Link with SSG CC and Water – activities should consider the outcome of the SSG objective: Technical Report for CC-impact in RBMPs
Activity 4/1 Risk management and implementation of measures. Soil-groundwater interaction and the soil functions with regard to the conceptual model of GW-bodies and pressures The activity will refer to gather information on the 1st cycle of river basin management and identify major lessons learnt by the MS, competent authorities and stakeholders A particular focus will be given to discuss the assessment (forecast) of effectiveness and efficiency of measures and how to monitor effects.
Activity 4/2 Soil functions (unsaturated zone?) with regard to groundwater current national approaches in practice to consider soil and groundwater in a complementary way (conceptual understanding) Common examination of GW and soil risk assessment methodologies ….. objective/outcome: technical report summarizing the experience made during 1st RBMP development with regard to measures its efficiency and costs providing knowledge for CM improvement, risk assessment etc.