Computer Services Business challenge Given limited hardware resources, mainframe code is often tested on emulators before final validation on IBM Z hardware. How can developers maximize the effectiveness of testing on other platforms? Transformation Replacing Micro Focus emulation technology with IBM Z Development and Test Environment (ZD&T) enables developers to run full, unaltered versions of IBM z/OS®, middleware and software on x86 servers. “ZD&T helps by enabling developers to accomplish a larger proportion of the total testing workload away from the mainframe.” —Torger Thevik, Partner/CIO, Xact Consulting A/S Business benefits: Raises quality by enabling testing to come earlier in the development cycle Increases flexibility by enabling developers to use testing resources on their own schedules Accelerates development cycles and reduces strain on production Z hardware Xact Consulting Improving the speed, quality and flexibility of software development and testing for IBM Z Solution components IBM® Z® Development and Test Environment Client Name Xact Consulting Company Background Xact Consulting A/S is an international consulting firm that helps organizations to get the greatest possible value out of their IT solutions. From its headquarters in Denmark, Xact converts and modernizes data and IT solutions through customized methodologies, using automation and drawing on highly specialized tools and experienced consultants. Business challenge Given limited hardware resources, mainframe code is often tested on emulators before final validation on IBM Z hardware. How can developers maximize the effectiveness of testing on other platforms? The benefit With ZD&T providing a true virtual IBM Z architecture on x86, mainframe developers can stay flexible and run more testing cycles away from the mainframe, reducing contention on production systems. Pull Quote “ZD&T helps by enabling developers to accomplish a larger proportion of the total testing workload away from the mainframe. This reduces the need to wait for mainframe resources, helping to shorten the whole software development cycle.” —Torger Thevik, Partner/CIO, Xact Consulting A/S Solution components IBM® Z® Development and Test Environment Case study Link Xact Consulting A/S is an international consulting firm that helps organizations to get the greatest possible value out of their IT solutions. From its headquarters in Denmark, Xact converts and modernizes data and IT solutions through customized methodologies, using automation and drawing on highly specialized tools and experienced consultants. Share this Link to case study