Rainy season Preparedness 2009
Rain Fade Rain, snow or even rain-filled clouds passing overhead can reduce the intensity of the incoming signals. This results in FREEZING or NO PICTURE. Torrential downpours can lower the level of the incoming Ku-band satellite signal significantly; this may severely degrade the quality of the signals or even interrupt reception entirely. As in the rainfall or rain filled clouds, the quality of the signal starts decreasing. If the tracking is not at peak, the signal will be lost immediately. Maximum peak tracking will reduce the time duration of NO SIGNAL during rainfall.
14 dB MER 99% Quality 9 dB MER 70% Quality Effect of Noise on Digital Systems (Gradually Poorer Quality / MER) 7.0 dB MER 50% Quality 6 dB MER 25% Quality No change Freezing No Signal The picture remains same from 14 dB MER to 9 dB MER. It starts freezing at 7 dB MER & at 6 dB MER there is No Signal. This shows that the tracking has to be done till peak MER / Signal Quality is achieved for a particular dish antenna. Rain Fade -To Counter Act... To Counteract Track the antenna to peak level with Signal Strength (intensity) & Signal Quality (BER,MER) & Skew to maximum level.
Objective At the end of this session we will understand the Importance of Signal Strength. Importance of Signal Quality/MER/BER. Importance of SKEW. Safety points.
Track the Dish Antenna with maximum Signal Strength (intensity) & Signal Quality (MER/BER). Do SKEW with utmost care to achieve maximum signal quality (MER/BER) for all the transponders. Confirm the readings of all the transponders to peak. All the Bolts, Screws, Nuts should be tightened to maximum level. Over tightening should be avoided. Follow the Look Angle Chart for all the three angles- Azimuth Angle, Elevation Angle (Inclination Angle) & Polarization (Skew) for the particular area. Prefer wall mounting for maximum installations & check the wall thickness before installations. Mast should be always in 90° wrt horizontal plane (Ground). Check the peak tracking by pressing all four sides of reflector one after one & see that the readings should not increase. It should decrease when pressed. Important Points for Installations
Put all the necessary loops to the cables where ever required to avoid water ingress in the STB. Sharp edges to be prevented with double sided tapes fixed to the cable. Avoid cable routing through damp areas. Use Sealant at all the through holes in the wall to stop water ingress, cable cuts, insects immigrations etc. Sat meter should be full charged before any installations. All F-connectors should be fixed as per our norms only as it may result in no video for some channels. As we are working on extreme high frequency so connectorization has to be done very precisely. Cable ties, P-clips to be properly fixed to the cables. No over tightening of the cable ties & P-clips to be done on the cable. Proper ventilation for STB to be checked before installing it. Important Points for Installations
MTI (Reliance) Single Universal LNBF Sharp Single Universal LNBF Universal Single LNBF MTI (Reliance) Single Universal LNBF X-Power Single Universal LNBF
The LNBF (Universal Sharp make) has markings on the top. There are, say 9 divisions on each side with a centre point marking in the middle of the LNBF. Each division corresponds to 5 degrees measurement The divisions has to be adjusted according to the polarization given. For eg. Mumbais Polarization is deg, so we have to set at 8.2(approx) division of the LNBF with the centre point of the LNBF Clamp. Centre Point of LNBF LNBF CLAMP Centre Point of LNBF Clamp Skew Angle Setting-Sharp Universal Single LNBF -43 degree for Mumbai
The LNBF (Universal MTI-Reliance make) has markings on the top. There are say, 5 divisions on each side with a centre point marking in the middle of the LNBF. Each division corresponds to 5 degrees measurement The divisions has to be adjusted according to the polarization given. For eg. Mumbais Polarization is deg, so we have to set at 8.2(approx) division of the LNBF with the centre point of the LNBF Clamp. Centre Point of LNBF LNBF CLAMP Centre Point of LNBF Clamp Skew Angle Setting-MTI Universal Single LNBF -43 degree for Mumbai
Skew Angle Setting-MTI Universal Single LNBF The LNBF (Universal MTI-Reliance make) has markings on the top. There are say, 5 divisions on each side with a centre point marking in the middle of the LNBF. Each division corresponds to 5 degrees measurement The divisions has to be adjusted according to the polarization given. For eg. Mumbais Polarization is deg, so we have to set at 8.2(approx) division of the LNBF with the centre point of the LNBF Clamp. Centre Point of LNBF LNBF CLAMP Centre Point of LNBF Clamp -43 degree for Mumbai
The LNBF (Universal X Power make) has markings on the top. There are say, 8 divisions on each side with a centre point marking in the middle of the LNBF. Each division corresponds to 5 degrees measurement The divisions has to be adjusted according to the polarization given. For eg. Mumbais Polarization is deg, so we have to set at 8.2(approx) division of the LNBF with the centre point of the LNBF Clamp. Centre Point of LNBF LNBF CLAMP Centre Point (Ref) of LNBF Clamp Skew Angle Setting-X Power Universal Single LNBF -43 degree for Mumbai
Importance of Skew SKEW is the MOST important adjustment for tracking in BIG TV. As we are using two polarities (Vertical & Horizontal), so SKEW has to be done very precisely. Track the satellite (MEASAT-3) with Transponder 16(12523MHz, Vertical high) in the beginning with maximum signal strength & signal quality (MER/BER). Next move to Transponder 22 (12683MHz, Horizontal high) & track to maximum signal strength & signal quality (MER/BER). In both the situation the SKEW should be done precisely. While we adjust TP22 to maximum Quality (MER/BER) by Skewing, we need to go back to TP16 once again & check the Quality (MER/BER). In this situation we will get a low signal Quality (MER/BER) on TP16 than what we have tracked initially. Now again we have to adjust the SKEW to such an extent where we will receive a maximum signal quality (MER/BER) for both TP16 & TP22.
Importance of Skew For Eg. Initial SKEW of TP 16, MER=14dB Initial SKEW of TP 22, MER=13.2dB (Here in TP 16 MER goes to 13dB) Final SKEW of TP 16, MER=13.8dB Final SKEW of TP 22, MER =12.9dB Check all the transponders readings for maximum signal strength (intensity) & signal quality (MER/BER).
Eg: Readings of 60cms Dish Meter: Rover Meter, Max Peak Meter Antenna: Jonsa Cable: RG6 Cable (2mtr) Location: DAKC,BHQ-Wall LNBF: Sharp Single universalDate: Reading By: Weather Condition: Cloudy with light rainTime: 4.30pm Sl. No. Frequency (MHz) PolTP Jonsa Dish Antenna Rover MeterMax Peak Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E HH E E HH E E-03
Meter: Rover Meter, Max Peak Meter Antenna: Adsat Cable: RG6 Cable (2mtr) Location: DAKC,BHQ-Wall LNBF: Sharp Single universalDate: Reading By: Weather Condition: Cloudy with light rainTime: 4.30pm Sl. No. Frequency (MHz) PolTP Adsat Dish Antenna Rover MeterMax Peak Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E HH E E HH E E-04 Eg: Readings of 60cms Dish
Meter: Rover Meter,Max Peak Meter Antenna: Nucleus Cable: RG6 Cable (2mtr) Location: DAKC,BHQ-Wall LNBF: Sharp Single universalDate: Reading By: Weather Condition: Cloudy with light rainTime: 4.30pm Sl. No. Frequency (MHz) PolTP Nucleus Dish Antenna Rover MeterMax Peak Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER Signal Strength (dBµ V) MER (dB) BER VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E VH E E HH E E HH E E-04 Eg: Readings of 60cms Dish
Comparison of Readings with Meters
General safety rules to be followed through out the installation. Do not Install during rainfall. Do not climb on the slope or slippery locations during rainy season. Do not work near the electrical open wires on the roof top or any other such location. Do not expose the Sat meter or Sat Hunter to rain. Do not do any risky installations where service feasibility is absent. Ensure insurance for all installers & assistants. Do not drill in the rain. Take utmost care inside the customers house during installation. Safety Points
Drive two wheeler with extreme precautions & use helmet for both installer & asst. Do not throw any equipments or tools. Switchoff all the equipments when not in use. Keep all tools & equipments away from customers reach. Always use ok tools & equipments for installations. Do not keep any tools or equipments or mobile on the top pocket during installations. Safety Points
Purpose To overcome the SRs, related to Rain fade, following counter actions to be implemented in the field immediately. Health Checkup by Service Executive / MDU Executive for those ISPs having high volume of SRs of No Signal, Dish Misaligned, Installers problem. Live Health Checkup by Service executive / MDU Executive / ISP Owner or Supervisor for installations. ISP owner / Supervisor will do Health Checkup for the installations. CC to be aware for Rain fade & No Signal problem due to it.
New Installations: Whenever there is a new Installation at any location, the installers need to follow all the necessary steps for peak tracking mentioned in this module. Existing Installations: For any Installations & SRs, Installers need to do a compulsory Health Checkup of other existing installations at that particular locations. Whenever there is a SR at any location, the installers need to do a compulsory Health check up of existing installations for maximum customers near by to that location. As ISP is now into RCV process also, the Installers has to do a compulsory Health check up for the particular customer where the RCV is delivered. Regional Service Heads to ensure for those ISPs having high volume of SRs of No Signal, Dish Misaligned, Installers problem & do 100% health checkups for their installations. RSH also should ensure the complete installation data with their respective ISPs. Installers need to carry the Audit Format to attend the SR/ Health check up & capture all the details. NOTE: This health checkup will help to reduce the future increase of SRs in Rainy season thus saving the cost. Process
Check List The Teams need to check for the below instructions before moving to the field for audit. Complete tool kit with all tools in working condition. Sat meter (Max peak or Rover with full charged) is compulsory for checking the signal. Sealant, P clips, Cable ties should be always with the teams. RCV to be carried for all health check ups. Blank audit formats to be present with the teams. Teams should carry the look angle chart with them. Mobile phones to be charged.
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