Safety Health and Survival ROTW: Crew Enters IDLH Atmosphere Without SCBA
Crew Enters IDLH Atmosphere Without SCBA “A neighboring department in our metropolitan area responded to an inside smoke investigation at a single-family dwelling. Upon arrival, the first due response proceeded to investigate the source of the smoke. The initial crew entered the building without SCBA….”
Smoke Eating This report highlights an ongoing problem in the fire service, firefighters not wearing their SCBA into known IDLH environments
Ask Why Why don’t firefighters wear SCBA? Culture? Pride? Peer Pressure? Complacency and Apathy? How Can You Positively Impact These “Whys”?
Effect Cultural Change Education and Awareness Utilize Servant Leadership Paradigms On-Line Programs and Information IAFC Position: Need for Annual Occupational Medical Exams and Fitness Evaluations
QUESTIONS? SHARE YOUR STORY. Protect the next shift . . . International Association of Fire Chiefs Firefighter Near Miss Program Tel: (703) 273-0911 Fax: (703) 273-9363