LABOR UNIONS IN AMERICA Organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions, wages, and benefits for its members Emerged during the Industrial Revolution (19th century) Most union jobs have traditionally been in the private, manufacturing sector Less than 14% of American labor force belongs to labor unions (down from 30% in 1960s) Today, public sector union membership is on the rise How do workers negotiate with management for better wages, benefits, and working conditions? COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Mediation Other Options? Arbitration Strike, BABY!
WHY HAVE PRIVATE SECTOR UNIONS DECLINED SO PRECIPITOUSLY IN THE LAST FEW DECADES? 1. Manufacturing accounts for only 15% of GDP 2. Automation 3. Manufacturing sector has shifted toward the south - right-to-work states 4. Globalization 5. More women in the labor force
PERSPECTIVES ON UNIONS Republican Perspective Democratic Perspective P P Q Q