The Early Years of the War Chapter 7 section 1
Americans Divided 20-30% were loyalists (cites, NY, in south) 40-45% were patriots (N.E. , V.A.) The rest are neutral Natives America are split too Many African Americans fight for British
Creating an Army George Washington commander of the Continental Army Men enlist for 1 year Army never has more than 17,000 men Soldiers need more supplies, guns, ammunition, training Women help army by cooking, doing laundry, nursing wounded soldiers, some even fight in disguise
Strategies WASHINGTON BRITISH keep his army in the field win small battles avoid major battles until the army is larger BRITISH seize Hudson River Valley 3 British armies plan to meet in Albany
Struggle for Middle States British withdraw from Boston, Washington, army go to New York City 9,000 Hessian mercenaries arrive to fight for British (August 1776) Washington’s army retreats through New Jersey Thomas Paine publishes The American Crisis, encourages American troops Americans defeat Hessians at Trenton, Princeton (December 1776)
Battles Along the Mohawk • St. Leger fights Americans at Fort Stanwix, summer of 1777 St. Leger’s forces include Iroquois led by Mohawk chief Joseph Brant Benedict Arnold spreads rumor that Americans have a large army St. Leger’s troops retreat
Continental Army near Saratoga, NY Series of battles break out British forced to retreat Burgoyne’s army is surrounded, Burgoyne surrenders Battles of Saratoga
Results of the Battle of Saratoga convinces European nations that Americans might win the war Benedict Arnold angry about lack of recognition, betrays his army