EYFS Co-Ordinators Meeting 21.2 2018
Welcome and Updates Collaborative Early years - update EYFSP Moderation
Collaborative Early years - update Government and local policy have driven changes to Early Years support from the Local Authority We are moving towards a commissioner/ provider model, and more shared practice development from within the sector It is hoped that one positive outcome will be more communication across the sector (Schools, PVI, Childminders), and greater resilience Currently the Maintained Nursery Schools are to receive funding from a successful GLA bid to work collaboratively within hubs, engaging with local settings The LA has given additional funding to support this work There is a collaborative Early Years steering group, which is working to co-produce the model going forward There may be opportunities for schools to tender to deliver support An expression of interest will be sent out; if this is something that you would be interested in. You will be required to send this back to me- more details to follow.
EYFSP Moderation Key Dates: Deadline for schools 25.6.18 Submission date 30.6.18 EYFSP trialling dates12.3.18- Tracey and Tai moderated schools 14.3.18 15.3.18 16.3.18 Book on to one session through Shahina Aktar Shahina.Aktar@newham.gov.uk Key points: Ensure that you moderate internally, and with other schools if possible. Make sure your evidence includes a good range of open ended child initiated activities where you can capture child’s learning and attainment independently. Look out for the characteristics of effective learning Keep the descriptors in mind Offer challenge for children who may be heading towards an exceeding Keep in touch with your moderator for any support needed.
Healthy Eating and Well-being Edwina Revel <edwina.revel@earlystartgroup.com>
Best for all A Strategy for Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion 2017-22
Background Best for all is a 5 year strategy for enabling key services and agencies (Health, Education and Social care) to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND. The strategy builds on a heritage of inclusive education that sees children learn alongside their non-SEND peers. In line with the 2015 SEND code of practice, Best for all focuses on aspirations of the child and puts the child and parents at the heart.
Principles Children and young people are treated with dignity, respect and valued as individuals They are given the opportunity to participate in making decisions that affect them and have timely access to services which are responsive to their needs. Children and their families are heard and their voices responded to. They receive early identification of their needs and early intervention to support them. Education, health and social care collaborate services to provide support for the child.
SEND Implementation steering group The strategy is being directed by a steering group made up of representatives from Education, Health and Social care We meet monthly to ensure the strategy is being embed and has momemtum. We all contribute to the single implementation plan and report progress on our individual actions We evaluate effectiveness of change and identify further areas of improvements. We demonstrate passion and commitment to making it better!
Single implementation plan 2017-18 Systems for delivering outcomes Create a strategic 0-25 SEND support service Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) Specialist provision Exclusions Early Years and Early Identification Preparing for adulthood and employment
Early Years and Early Identification Our progress: Integrated 2 Year review (Education and Health) to be launched in summer 2018 Health visiting teams are now based in the community and establishing relationships with the early years providers Data capture at all levels, including attendance of SEND children at children centres. Programme of support being initiated for Family Support Worker to support their knowledge and understanding of SEND and referral pathways For PVIs, we have established a SEND hub at RONEC.
What will be different? Joint working between education and health will streamline delivery and be more cost effective in delivering outcomes Joint education and health checks will have the potential to reach more families Children in the early years with SEND will receive the support they need to progress and develop The early years' workforce will be supported to increase their knowledge and understanding of SEND
Outstanding Practice Smarty Pants Daycare- Sylvia Lewis
Transition Did you receive any transition reports? Was any feedback given to settings who submitted reports?
Feedback from discussion on transition Effective transition is important for children’s well-being and the development of resilience in their future lives. Do you have a policy, how are procedures shared? Ideas of good practice include:- Transition in to the Nursery Links with previous settings Photos of new setting Staggered entry Home visits- timing of this is important and is ongoing with transient population Photo displays of their family Visit other settings if possible Saturday session for parents and children Transition books Stay and play sessions
Transition from Reception to Year 1 Visit new class teacher Y1 hot seating Professional conversations Sharing good practice with year 1 Year 1 adopting some effective EY practice. Year 1 teacher coming in to Reception and teaching Look at profiles Moderation between Year R and Year 1 Sharing of data Other issues discussed Importance of transition for parents and how they are welcomed in to the school. Transition reports- how are these shared with parents so that they can be working on targets together with the Nursery- especially around self-care. Lessons learned from the pilot.
Contacts: Tahira.Gynn@newham.gov.uk Tracey.Schofield@newham.gov.uk Dani.Wade@newham.gov.uk