M & M CANDIES LAB Scientific Process
M&M Candies LAB Data Table #1: Group Data Purpose: To use M&M candies to demonstrate the calculation and understanding of mean, median, & mode 1. Without opening or touching your bag of "M&Ms"® Candies, estimate how many are inside and record your answer in Data Table #1. 2. Predict how many of each color you will have. (If your estimated total is 10 "M&Ms"® Candies in your bag then your total prediction of "M&Ms"® Candies colors should also add to 10.) 3. Open your bag and find your actual total and how many you have of each color. 4. Record your results in Data Table #1 Create the table below Data Table #1: Group Data
M & M LAB Create a Data Table #2 to reflect the number of M&M’s in each groups bag Data Table #2: Class Data Using Data Table #2, calculate the mean, median, and mode of the candy colors for the class and place in Data Table #3 Data Table #3: Class Data Groups R O Y G Bl Br 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Median Mode Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Brown
MORE DATA Using Data Table #2, calculate the total number of M&M candies for each color and create a Bar Graph to display the class’s M&M color data. Use the same color crayon for the color of your "M&M's"® Candies. Bar Graph: Class Data Number of M&M’s 30 25 20 15 10 5 Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Brown Color of M&M’s
Formal Lab Report Cover Page Report Create a Formal Lab Report Title Student Teacher Subject Period Due Date Report Title Problem: Purpose: Hypothesis: Experimental Design: Materials: Procedures: Data: Tables/Graphs Statement of Relationship Conclusion:
What is the format for a LAB REPORT? Title Problem: Question Form Purpose: Statement Form Hypothesis: If the IV, Then the DV, Because Statement Experimental Design: Snap Shot of Experiment Materials: List Items to be Used Procedures: Provide detailed Steps Data Analysis: Tables, Graphs, & Statement of Relationship Conclusion: Determine if your hypothesis was supported or rejected and explain