Intelligence Terms - Review
Psychologist that identified Emotional Intelligence – AKA “EQ” Daniel Goleman Psychologist that identified Emotional Intelligence – AKA “EQ”
Howard Gardner Psychologist that identified Multiple Intelligences (kinesthetic, spatial, etc…)
Charles Spearman Psychologist that claimed intelligence was “generalized” (the g-factor)
Robert Sternberg Psychologist that identified the Triarchic Theory of intelligence: (Creative, Analytic, and Practical Knowledge)
Reliability Refers to the consistency of a test as a means of measurement. (One word)
Split-Half Reliability Type of reliability – Individuals taking a test divided into halves should have relatively the same score on each part.
Test-Retest Reliability Type of reliability – Individuals taking the same test at a later date should score relatively the same both times.
Refers to a test measuring what it claims to measure. (One word) Validity Refers to a test measuring what it claims to measure. (One word)
(ex: A US History final exam should cover more than just WWI!) Content Validity How well a test reflects the entire range of content/skills it’s supposed to measure. (ex: A US History final exam should cover more than just WWI!)
Construct Validity When a newly created test compares to a previously established test with a high positive correlation. (ex: if a “new” college entrance exam was created and lined up with SAT…)
Fluid Intelligence Type of intelligence – our ability to solve abstract problems and pick up new information and skills (Decreases with age)
Crystallized Intelligence Type of intelligence – our knowledge accumulated over time. (Increases with age)
Type of test – measures ability or potential for the future Aptitude Type of test – measures ability or potential for the future (ex: IQ test)
Type of test – measures what one has learned or accomplished Achievement Type of test – measures what one has learned or accomplished (ex: AP exam)