a note from your teacher Mrs. Erdmann Room #3 Class newsletter mark your calendar Friday May 4th: Early Dismissal 11:15 Tuesday May 8th: Hot Lunch Wednesday May 9th: Brookfield Zoo Sunday May 13th: Mother’s Day Wednesday May 16th: 2nd grade step up Friday May 18th: FUN DAY Tuesday May 22nd: Big Run Wolf Ranch Monday May 28th: NO SCHOOL a note from your teacher May is a very busy month. The chick eggs the students have been monitoring for 21 days started hatching today and our caterpillars are now in their chrysalis stage. The butterflies will be here soon! what we’re learning Extra! Extra! Reading: We are reading about different animals, and insects, their habitats and lifecycles.. Math: The students have been measuring and weighing items using various standard and non standard tools. Writing: Letter formation, spacing, and sentence structure is a focus for writing. Social Studies Rural versus urban areas. Science: Studying animal habitats, the lifecycle of a butterfly, and the lifecycle of a chick. The kids are very excited for our field trips this month. We will be discussing animals at the zoo and the fascinating life of a wolf. Contact me Feel free to contact me @ merdmann@ahsd125.org