HSM Applications to Multilane Urban Suburban Multilane Intersections Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Exercise III – Prediction of Crash Frequency Performance for Multilane Intersections and Comparison to Substantive Crash Performance - Session #08 Instructor: Session #08 – Exercise III –– Prediction of Crash Frequency and application of CMFs for Urban Suburban Multilane Intersections and Comparison to Substantive Safety Performance Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Learning Outcomes: Apply Multilane Intersection Crash Prediction models Compare predicted Crash Frequency performance to Substantive safety performance Instructor: review the Learning Objectives for Session #11 Exercise III Applying multilane intersection Crash Frequency prediction SPF’s and CMF’s. Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Intersection Information: MINOR ROADS: Three Signalized intersections with single left turn lanes (no right turn lanes): Bloomingdale Road 16,100 AADT Shopping Center (north and south) 2,400 AADT Main Street-Glen Ellyn 16,700 AADT MAJOR ROAD: IL 64 North Avenue is 37,000 AADT Instructor: IL 64 North Avenue major intersection traffic information Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Unsignalized T- Intersections w/o left turn lanes: Mildred 700 AADT Virginia 700 AADT Bernice 700 AADT Western 700 AADT Pearl 1,500 AADT Diane 700 AADT Evergreen 700 AADT Amy 700 AADT Newton 700 AADT Signalized 4-Approach Intersections with left turn lanes: Bloomingdale Road 16,100 AADT Shopping Center (north and south) 2,400 AADT Main Street-Glen Ellyn 16,700 AADT Instructor: North Avenue IL 64 intersection information for the mile segment from Bloomingdale Road on the west to Glen Ellyn Road on the east Session 7 –Exercise III
Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Crash data for 1986, 1987, 1988 – 3 years Intersections: Total Injury Day Night Mildred 9 2 6 3 Virginia 12 3 9 3 Bernice 16 3 11 5 Western 11 4 7 4 Pearl 22 6 16 6 Diane 16 5 11 5 Evergreen 11 4 7 4 Amy 7 4 4 3 Newton 12 5 8 4 Bloomingdale Rd 170 68 122 48 Shopping Center 18 5 13 5 Main St-Glen Ellyn 146 45 100 46 Totals: 450 154 314 136 Instructor: “Before” crash data from IDOT Safety Section from the Phase I study for North Avenue IL 64 project Total Crashes for the 12 intersections = 450 crashes Injury Crashes for the 12 intersections = 154 crashes Session 7 –Exercise III
Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn April 2009 Study Section: Crash data for 1986, 1987, 1988 – 3 years Total Injury Crashes Crashes Day Night Rdwy Segment 84 26 57 27 12 Intersections 450 154 314 136 Totals: 534 180 371 163 Instructor: “Before” crash data from IDOT Safety Section from the Phase I study for North Avenue IL 64 project Session 7 –Exercise III
Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn April 2009 Predict the Crash Frequency Performance for the intersections using the Rural Multilane intersection models for the following: Bloomingdale Road (signalized) Shopping Center (signalized) Main Street-Glen Ellyn (signalized) Eight “T” non-signalized intersections (700 ADT) One “T” non-signalized intersection (1,500 ADT) Instructor: Task 1 with the five sub tasks for the three major intersections, the eight minor intersections of 700 adt and one intersection of 1,500 adt for the “before” condition as a “rural” multilane highway Use Worksheet Exercise III Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Total the Predicted Crash Frequency performance for all intersections Bloomingdale Road (signalized) Shopping Center (signalized) Main Street-Glen Ellyn (signalized) Eight “T” non-signalized intersections (700 AADT) One “T” non-signalized intersection (1,500 AADT) ____ ____ ____ Instructor: presentation of task 2 summing the individual major and minor intersections ____ ___ Total _____ Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Compare the Substantive Intersection Crash Frequency Performance to the Predicted Crash Frequency Performance: Substantive Safety Performance = 450 in 3 yrs ____ per year Predicted Crash Frequency Performance = Instructor: task 3 The IL 64 crash data does not break out the individual intersection crash info for the non-signalized intersections; only the signalized intersections. The non-signalized intersection crash data is included in the 3-years of segment crash data, it’s difficult to determine the actual safety performance. ____ per year Substantive Safety Performance less than Predicted Crash Frequency? YES/NO Session 7 –Exercise III
Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Learning Outcomes: Applied Multilane Intersection Crash Frequency Prediction models Compared predicted Crash Frequency performance to Substantive Safety performance Instructor: review the Learning Outcomes for Session #11 Exercise III Session 7 –Exercise III
Questions and Discussion Exercise III – IL 64 North Avenue from Bloomingdale Road to Main Street-Glen Ellyn Safety and Operational Effects of Geometric Design Features for Two-Lane Rural Highways Workshop April 2009 Questions and Discussion Session 7 –Exercise III