Upcoming Tests & Assignments Classroom News January 2019 Mrs. Danielle McMann + www.mrsmcmanndct.weebly.com Mark Your Calendar * A Peek At the Month + DCT: Beginning and New Job OSHA and Child Labor Laws Guest Speakers: Deputy Worlledge- January 9th (does not require professional dress) Chick-Fil-A: January 16th (does not require professional dress) Aviation: Date TBA (requires professional dress) OJT: December time cards due Thursday, January 10th Begin job drop ins for Q3 January 7th- Return from Winter Break January 15th- Report Cards go home January 21st- No School; Martin Luther King Day *Remember to listen to the morning announcements in 2nd and 7th periods to hear of any happenings on campus* A Note from Your Teacher: n Please remember to check our classroom webpage weekly for what is going on in our classroom each week, as well as a digital copy of the syllabus, all PowerPoints and handouts used in class, and a digital copy of the our monthly newsletter. Check us out at mrsmcmanndct.weebly.com Upcoming Tests & Assignments r “Succeeding in the World of Work” Ch. 11 online activities Begin reading and annotating “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” Begin Financial Literacy Activities January Birthdays z Hanna U.- 10th, Timothy S. & Cristal T.- 13th, Rafael L.- 20th, Joshua M.- 21st,