Interactive MIPS Datapath Tutorial Stephanie Holeman John Even Jeff Larson Scott Service Advisor/Client: Dr Prasant Mohapatra
Overview Background Project Objectives Technical Approach Achievements and Lessons Learned Future Work Questions
Computer Architecture Background Computer Architecture Memory I/O Devices Processor Datapath Control
Background continued About MIPS processor uses architecture Sony Playstation Nintendo 64 architecture RISC based Pipelined All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Background continued 5 Stage Pipeline Instruction Fetch (IF), Instruction Decode (ID), Execute (EX), Memory (MEM), Write Back (WB)
Project Objectives Make learning less difficult Create interactive learning tool Make tool web accessible
Technical Approach Programming solutions considered Hardware Description Language (HDL) Microsoft® PowerPoint® C++ Java™ Instructions to implement Control features to implement
Our Solution Accessibility Instruction selection Control features Java (JDK 1.17b) Netscape Navigator® and Internet Explorer® Instruction selection add, addi, and, or, lw, sw, beq, slt, nop Control features no hazard detection no data forwarding
Summary of Achievements Developed pseudocode Learned/Learning Java Increased team work skills Learned about conducting effective group meetings
Future Work Ours Others Finish implementation Test and debug Document application Others Implement additional instructions Add hazard detection/data forwarding Gather feedback from users
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