Desktop Publishing Mr. Barbour Risk Game Desktop Publishing Mr. Barbour
Rules In teams of 3/4 you will be given a Show Me Board. Answer the question by holding your Show Me Board in the Air after writing the answer on it. Once you have written your answer you cannot change it. You also get more clues the longer you wait to answer but that’s a RISK as the more clues you need then the less points you get.
Points Scheme 10 points (1 clue) 8 points (2 clues) 6 points (3 clues)
Question 1 Answer: Serif An example of this is already on this slide. A small, subtle text feature. Ideally suited to printed out work. Often described as ‘hooks and tails’ Does not feature on Comic Sans but does on Times New Roman
Question 2 Answer: Footer Always at the bottom of a document In the previous unit we were very good at doing this. The only time we’ll use this in DTP is in the assessment. You wouldn’t add this to a ‘Menu’ if you created one in Publisher In books, multiple page leaflets, magazines etc. this could be used for page numbers Always at the bottom of a document
Question 3 Answer: Frames In Publisher we can link these together Every time we add something new to our Publisher document we are said to be adding one of these These can either store an image or text but not a combination In Publisher we can link these together At the top of the page regardless if a picture, Word Art or plain text this is called a Banner If we forget Publisher a moment. Pictures are held in these before being hung on a wall.
Question 4 Answer: Drop Cap This is a Final, Bonus Question worth 5 points. What is the arrow pointing at in the picture;