Lesson #3 - The Pleasantest Place LEQ - How does culture influence the character of places? Background - This lesson will look at the variety of factors that people look for and expect in the places where they live and work Copy the lesson objective question in your binder Read the background >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< Opener Complete the Pleasantest Place Survey PICK UP A COPY OF THE PLEASANTEST PLACE PREFERENTIAL SURVEY ACTIVITY >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< Real Estate 19713 Use – Realtor.com Listings or newspaper and search for two places where the type of housing YOU chose on the personal preference survey would be available, and the price range of listings WRITE NEIGHBORHOODS WHERE THE TWO PLACES ARE LOCATED IN YOUR BINDER EXPLAIN WHY YOU SELECTED THESE PLACES IN YOUR BINDER READ ENTIRE SLIDE COMPLETE IN BINDER >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< Extending & Refining Find a neighborhood with Grid Pattern WRITE NAME IN BINDER DESCRIBE WHY IT IS A GRID PATTERN Find a neighborhood with Cul-de-sac DESCRIBE WHY IT IS A CUL-DE-SAC Why do you think the planners of the area might have chosen to use each of the basic street plans? How do they effect the movement in the neighborhood? Shape of house lots? Use of space in neighborhood? READ ENTIRE SLIDE USE SEARCH ENGINE COMPLETE SLIDE IN BINDER >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< Class work GO BACK TO WEBSITE AND OPEN “GIVE ME SOME SPACE” FILE READ AND TAKE NOTES ANSWER ALL THINKING LIKE A GEOGRPAHER QUESTIONS IN BINDER >Click when ready< Read - “Give Me Some Space- and Let Me Arrange It My Way!” Answer questions
Public Space and Private Space Create a chart in your BINDER with three headings – Public Space, Shared Private, and Private Space Read ENTIRE SLIDE CREATE CHART IN BINDER ANSWER QUESTION IN BINDER >Click when ready< PUBLIC SPACE SHARED PRIVATE PRIVATE SPACE UNDER EACH CATEGORY, CREATE A DEFINITION FOR EACH CATEGORY WRITE AT LEAST TWO EXAMPLES FOR EACH CATEGORY IN YOUR CHART What criteria did you use to differentiate between public and private space?
Public and Private Space Planners for cities need to be conscious of and provide for a need for public, private and also shared private space. Cultural needs for personal space and also family privacy vary around the world, and they impact the way the space feels and functions. One important feature that impacts the urban sense of place is the pattern of the streets. Some street patterns facilitate free movement through the city and easy access to parts of the city. Other patterns, by design, tend to have the opposite effect. Copy SLIDE OF NOTES INTO BINDER >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< Class work GO BACK TO WEBSITE AND OPEN “COMPARING STREET PATTERNS AROUND THE WORLD” ANALYZE 2 OF THE 4 CITY PLANS WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF THE 2 CITIES THAT YOU SELECT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN YOUR BINDER Which of the cities that you selected would be the easiest for drivers? Would the ranking be the same for pedestrians? GO BACK TO WEBSITE AND OPEN “COMPARING STREET PATTERNS AROUND THE WORLD” Follow directions on the slide Answer questions in binder >Click when ready<
>Click when ready< C4U New immigrants from Arab countries moved into East Dearborn, MI and began to renovate and reclaim old residential and commercial neighborhoods for their own use. Based on what you have learned, what are some ways these residents might change the use of space in residential neighborhoods? You may use a diagram with labels, sketch a picture of the area, or answer in a well-constructed paragraph. COMPLETE ON SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER AND TURN IN FOR A GRADE >Click when ready<