Objective: Understand how Hughes’s word choice shapes the tone in I, Too. Quickwrite Directions: On a sticky note, think and write for the allotted time, responding to the following prompt. Be prepared to share out. Describe a situation when either you or someone you know was judged based on their appearance, or things they couldn’t control. What was that like?
Let’s review word choice. Objective: Understand how Hughes’s word choice shapes the tone in I, Too. Let’s review word choice. An author’s word choice shows: _______________________________. Directions: Read I, Too just to get a feel for its meaning. Draw 3 emojis under the picture to show Hughes’s tone. Answer the following on your paper in the blank space at the bottom: Why is the speaker sent to the kitchen? What does the speaker say will happen tomorrow? What will happen when others see the speaker’s beauty? Answer the questions on the back on your own. Turn in. Complete your log entry for today’s date in the “Friday” space. Tone Examples: excited depressed cynical indifferent optimistic The list goes on and on…! how they feel about a particular topic