Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group March 2011 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group Meeting was called to order at 8am and finished at 11.46 am. Meeting minutes of the November 2011 meeting were updated and approved Katsuhiro Aijto (NTT) appointed as secretary of IG Thz Three presentations have been made: Contribution #1 Javier Mateos, University of Salamance (Spain), “Room temperature THz sources and detectors with semiconductor nanodevices”, the ROOTHz project; (Document 15-11-0241-00-0thz) Contribution #2 Sebastian Priebe, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Diffuse Rough Surface Scattering Analysis for THz Communication Systems; (Document 15-11-0146-00-0thz) Contribution #3 Sebastian Priebe, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Spatial and Temporal Dispersion in THz Indoor Propagation Channels”; (Document 15-11-0180-00-0thz) Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig
Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group cont’d March 2011 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group cont’d Discussion on spectrum issues (WRC 2012 preparations) Outcome of WRC 2012 Conference Preparatory Meeting Interference Measurements towards Earth Exploration Services Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig