Брянский городской лицей №27 им. И.Е.Кустова Are you in Charge of the Planet?
Are you in Charge of the Planet? Environmental problems. Speaking. Animals. Their life in the wild and their relations with people. Reading. Speaking. Who is in charge of the planet? Listening. Who can help the planet? What can children do? Writing, speaking. Conclusion. Speaking. Home task.
Environmental problems
Animals. Their life in the wild and their relations with people.
Are you in Charge of the Planet?
Children only grown -ups specialists Nikki Jackie Nick thinks Children only grown -ups specialists organisations TV programmes Can must should help animals be in charge of the planet keep the planet healthy save the Earth make the planet a better place care for…
I think children can help... They can… If they..., the nature is… It is important to… I don't think children can do much to… Only…can… When they…the nature … Children can only…
As for me… In my opinion… I agree that… I have different feelings. On the one hand… On the other hand… And after all…