I disagree An historical and current perspective of the Dominican tradition of disputatio in having dialogue in today’s world.
Seekers of Truth The Dominican motto of Veritas does not imply we own the truth but that we are seekers of truth The importance of study when seeking truth Listening is critical in the search for truth Our differences bring us closer to the truth Father Timothy Radcliffe, OP – speaking at the Geneva Center for Human Rights Advancement
Dispu – what? For those not familiar with it, disputatio, disputation, is not the same as argument, a contest in which one tries to win over or to best one's opponent. Rather, in disputation, one engages the other to examine a position to seek what is true and what is missing in it so that everyone can gain insight. Sean P. O’Connell, Ph.D., Albertus Magnus College
The importance of study in seeking truth “The study of truth requires a considerable effort - which is why few are willing to undertake it out of love of knowledge - despite the fact that God has implanted a natural appetite for such knowledge in the minds of men.” ― Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles Image by Aodhagain used with permission
Talking with Strangers How can we learn to talk to strangers? What conversation can we initiate with those who are different ? And what role can the university play in preparing us for this dialogue. Study is much more like sneaking up on the meaning of a text, …, inching one’s way toward understanding. You must be like a carpenter who knows when to use each tool in the bag. How do we learn to talk to strangers? According to Timothy Radcliffe, OP the university should be one of those places in which we learn to talk to those who are different. Reading texts written by strangers (or watching movies) According to Augustine the primary function of a university is to teach us to be social beings, able to talk, to listen and learn from those who are different. Talking with Strangers (Timothy Radcliffe, op) http://dimensionesperanza.it/english-articles/item/6400-talking- to-strangers-timothy-radcliffe-op.html#.WgX9zxaDWIc.email
Looking through an historical lens and a lens of today St. Dominic at the Inn and Our Common Dialogue Day One of St. Dominic’s greatest gifts was to listen. One of the greatest stories of St. Dominic – medieval theology on tap. Recognizing all are deserving of respect Get Out – an awesome experience of dialogue/ disputatio
Disputatio While we celebrate our similarities it is important to also celebrate our differences. It is from our differences we learn The aim of disputatio was, through disagreement and mutual criticism to arrive at a common truth, that was able to accommodate what was true in each position. (Radcliffe, 2017)
Words of Wisdom on the importance of differences. https://youtu.be/-nitgJkrTAU
Questions? For more information Sister Mary Jones, OP mjones11@sienaheights.edu 517-264-7105 Privilege exercise https://youtu.be/EIJqtWUiUCs Talking with Strangers (Timothy Radcliffe, op) http://dimensionesperanza.it/english-articles/item/6400-talking-to-strangers- timothy-radcliffe-op.html#.WgX9zxaDWIc.email