Scientific Method
Introduction to scientific method We are always asking questions about the world Science tries to answer these questions and understand the world through observation and tests. Scientific method is a logical method used by scientists to answer questions.
Steps of the scientific method Q= R= S= T= U= V= Observation Problem Question(Hypothesis) Research (Background Information) Set up a controlled experiment Test and analyze data Understand (Form a conclusion) Verify (Replicate work)
Observation vs interpretation Observation: The act of observing and recording scientific phenomena (or “Just the facts”) Observations can be made using the 5 senses seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and tasting 2 types of observations Quantitative Qualitative
2 types of observations Quantitative observations: are numbers, these numbers must have a consistent reliable value (ex. 10m or 75 degrees F) Qualitative Observations: are recorded as non-numeric values or descriptions (ex. Red, hot, large, loud…)
These can sometimes be opinions, versions Interpretation Interpretation: more than just the facts and cannot be accurately proven. These can sometimes be opinions, versions
Controlled Experiment Controlled experiment: is an experiment that tests one variable against the “normal” conditions Variable: what you change 1. Problem: What you are trying to answer 2. Hypothesis: what is a possible solution or outcome to the problem. (IF….Then) 3. Experimental design (Ex’D)
Experimental Design (cont.) A. Independent Variable (IV): What is being manipulated or changed in the experiment you control B. Dependent Variable (DV): What is being measured in the experiment- Data being collected C. Control: Experimental group that is under the “normal” conditions—What your DV results are compared to D. Constants: all conditions that must remain the same or unchanged between the experimental and control groups