PERIODIZATION AND PLANNING: 3-PART SERIES Setting up your 2011 Triathlon Race Season: A review of races and how to set up your season to ensure success!
WINTER TRIATHLON WORKSHOPS OVERVIEW January 4th : Periodization and Planning: How to set up your monthly training blocks (2 nd part in the series) January 10th : Periodization and Planning: How to set up your daily and weekly training (3 rd part in the series) January 18th : Brick Workouts: How to implement specific brick workouts into your training January 25th: 2011 Triathlon Gear Review January 30th (Sunday): Nutrition Periodization and Metabolic Efficiency Training, hosted by guest speaker Bob Seebohar, MS, RD, CSSD, CSCS - special time: will be held from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, location - University of Kentucky W.T. Young Library Auditorium
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Todays Goals: Definition of an A, B and C race How many of each you can have in a season Big picture item (yearly planning) Learn where to plug in your races (A, B and C) Review resources for finding races How to order your races for success (i.e. – sprint, Olympic, 70.3 )
WHAT IS AN A,B,C RACE?? A Race: An a race is your main focus for the year. This is the race that you want to do best. Training will focus toward this event.
WHAT IS AN A,B,C RACE?? B Races: A B Race is an event that you want to do well at but is not the focus of the your season. B Races may be directed toward goals of your A races.
WHAT IS AN A,B,C RACE?? C Races: Fun races! These races are not goal related. In most cases a C race is another training day. These races have the least priority during a year but can still have a place for training.
HOW MANY OF EACH RACE CAN YOU HAVE? 1. How many seasons do you plan to have?? 2. How may races do plan to do this season? 3. Generally one or two A races per year are possible but you may have more.
BIG PICTURE: SETTING UP A YEARLY PLAN The easiest way decide youre A, B and C races is to look at the entire year. Choose your race first then train, do not train and then pick a race.
BIG PICTURE: SETTING UP A YEARLY PLAN Start with a calendar. Look at your year and decide when you would like your races to take places. You may choose a race based on time of year, an event you want to do, or the distance of the event (to name a few).
BIG PICTURE: SETTING UP A YEARLY PLAN Plan early and be detail oriented. Where are you going? How will you get there? How will you get your bike there? Will your bike need to be put back together? Race registration (will it or has it filled up)? Reserving Hotel Rooms Booking Rental cars How far from the race am I staying.
BIG PICTURE: SETTING UP A YEARLY PLAN Additional planning points. How far is your hotel from the race start? Once the race is selected find out what you can about the race to help you train. Terrain Location Specifics for the course Number of Transitions Flow of transitions
L EARN WHERE TO PLUG IN YOUR RACES (ABC) What is(are) your A Race(s) for the year? Pick your date(s) and work backward from this point. Pick your B and C races and plug them into an appropriate point.
QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Eric Atnip