Dr. George’s 9th Lit. Agenda 12/3/2018 – 12/7/2018
Essential Questions for the week… What are the elements of cinematography? What effect do these elements have on the plot of a film?
Monday 12/3/2018 Warm-up Define the following cinematography terms on a separate sheet of paper (not in your warm-up notebook) with a partner. Shots and framing Camera Angles Camera movements Lighting Editing Music/sound Shot Establishing shot Long shot Medium shot Close-up Extreme close-up Two shot Eye level High angle Low angle Pan Tilt Zoom Dolly/tracking Boom/crane High key Low key Bottom or side lighting Front or back lighting Cut Fade Dissolve/wipe Flashback Shot-reverse-shot Cross cutting Eye-line match Diegetic Non-diegetic
Monday 12/3/18 Agenda Cinematography in TKAM: Today, we will begin our short cinematography unit. You will watch To Kill a Mockingbird and complete the chart on page 169 as you watch. *Use your definitions of the cinematography techniques you found in your warm up.
Tuesday 12/4/18 Agenda Cinematography in TKAM: Today, we will continue our short cinematography unit. You will watch To Kill a Mockingbird and complete the chart on page 169 as you watch. *Use your definitions of the cinematography techniques you found in yesterday’s warm up.
Wednesday 12/5/2018 Perfect Mate Activity – Romeo and Juliet wanted o spend their lives together, but their parents had other plans for them. For this activity, you will compare the qualities you would look for in a spouse with the qualities your parents would prefer. Rome and Juliet’s family tree – In order to keep track of all of the characters throughout the play, you will place each character with the family they are associated with based on the character list in the book.
Thursday 12/6/2018 Prologue Translation: Turn to page 7 and work with a partner to translate the prologue into modern day language. Act 1 Reading: You will choose your reading part for Act 1 and read aloud. Answer the Act questions as we read. There is an online version of the play that shows he modern translation of the play next to the Shakespearean version. It can be found here: https://www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/romeojuliet/
Friday 12/7/2018 Act 1 Reading: You will choose your reading part for Act 1 and read aloud. Answer the Act questions as we read. Act 1 Viewing: We will watch the 1986 version of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Pay attention to the similarities and differences between the play and the movie. There is an online version of the play that shows he modern translation of the play next to the Shakespearean version. It can be found here: https://www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/romeojuliet/
This week’s standards… ELAGSE9-10RL5: Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it and manipulate time create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. ELAGSE9-10W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. CCRS L.9-10.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words. CCRS L.0-10.5b: Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations.
Differentiation Level 1 & 2 s from the 8h grade EOG will work with Mrs. Cowart Students who have not mastered CEI will continue CEI practice activities before moving on to CEIEI. Students who have not mastered CEI will receive prompts with lower level DOK. Student choice for CEI #3 prompts/questions
Unit Assessments… Formative TKAM Film analysis chart Summative Act 1 Questions