Mute your phone until you are ready to talk.. Module 4 Live Lesson Lived in another state Plans to go to college Will graduate in 2015 Likes Math Learns best by hearing Has a job Learns best visually Has a younger sister Has a brother Learns best hands with “hands on” Attends a traditional high school Lived in another country Has been on stage Has met someone famous Has a dog Loves all things Marvel Please make sure you can “talk” via your computer. If you cannot, please call: 571-392-7703 931 773 975 360 Mute your phone until you are ready to talk..
Mute your phone until you are ready to talk.. Practice talking What I will miss most about high school is… Five years from now, I hope to be… The thing I would most like to accomplish this year is… The thing that concerns me most about school is… Smartphone or Tablet Please make sure you can “talk” via your computer. If you cannot, please call: 571-392-7703 931 773 975 360 Mute your phone until you are ready to talk..
Novel Use the Polling Feature to choose the letter choice of the novel you are reading (or just finished reading) for this class. A B C
How does theme add insight into the time period in which a piece of literature was written? Paper/MLA Outline Thesis Theme Statement Theme
Theme One important component of writing an effective literary analysis is identifying the theme. The theme of a novel frequently reveals insights about a culture during the particular time period in which the novel was written.
Theme Statement A theme statement should describe the general meaning of the work but not include specific references to characters, events, or actions. TO FIND THE THEME ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: What message/moral is your novel trying to teach?
Theme Statement The Great Gatsby Thinking about your own novel choice in this class, write a theme statement in the space below. Remember do not use any specifics from the novel (characters, titles, etc.). The Great Gatsby The Bean Trees The Namesake
Sources: How many do I need? Theme Your novel Comparison Piece of Literature Primary Source Secondary Source 4
OMG!! How do I find something like this?!?! Comparison Piece Qualifications 1. Must have the same theme. 2. Written within approximately 10 years of your novel. 3. Can be a poem, short story, novel, biography, historical document, or fiction. 4. CANNOT BE your primary source. OMG!! How do I find something like this?!?!
Comparison Piece Suggestions
Quality Sources Academic Literary Analysis Shmoop Sparknotes Wikipedia Blogs Prezi .org .edu .gov
Primary Sources Definition Examples Original, first-hand account of an event or time period Usually written or made during or close to the event or time period Original, creative writing or works of art Factual, not interpretive Diaries, journals, and letters Newspaper and magazine articles (factual accounts) Government records (census, marriage, military) Photographs, maps, postcards, posters Recorded or transcribed speeches Interviews with participants or witnesses (e.g., The Civil Right Movement) Interviews with people who lived during a particular time (e.g., genocide in Rwanda) Songs, Plays, novels, stories Paintings, drawings, and sculptures
Secondary Source Literary Criticism Definition Examples Analyzes and interprets primary sources Second-hand account of an historical event Interprets creative work Biographies Histories Literary Criticism Book, Art, and Theater Reviews Newspaper articles that interpret Literary Criticism: the interpretation of meaning and the judgment of quality of a piece of literature. Literary criticism of __________ (novel or comparison piece of literature.)
4.02 Homework 2. Go to Copy and paste your URL in the blue box 3. After easybib has collected some information from the website, click continue. 4. Edit what you can by adding any information you can find. 5. After adding all the information you can, click “Create Citation.” 6. Add your new citation to your homework.
4.02 Homework 2.
Thesis statements Requirements 3 Literary Devices Title of your novel AND your second piece of literature The theme that your essay will discuss A Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Langston Hughes' “Dream Variations" both utilize symbolism, figurative language, and imagery. B Both pieces of literature utilize symbolism, figurative language, and imagery to break down the racist barriers prevalent in early 20th century America. C Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Langston Hughes' “Dream Variations" both utilize symbolism, figurative language, and imagery to break down the racist barriers prevalent in early 20th century America.
Thesis Statement to Outline Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Langston Hughes' “Dream Variations” both utilize symbolism, figurative language, and imagery to break down the racist barriers prevalent in early 20th century America. Main Idea for 1st Body Paragraph Main Idea for 2nd Body Paragraph Main Idea for 3rdst Body Paragraph
Research Support Textual evidence from your NOVEL showing examples of the literary element in use. Textual evidence from your comparison piece showing examples of the literary element in use. Primary and/or secondary research that ties your literary elements back to the theme/thesis statement of your paper.
DO NOT USE COMPLETE SENTENCE (except your thesis). Student Example DO NOT USE COMPLETE SENTENCE (except your thesis).
MLA Format=20points
Works Cited Page
Parenthetical Citations Parenthetical citations can be anywhere in the paper and point to the “Works Cited” page which is your LAST page.
Internet Sources There is a difference in state-of-the-art equipment and the modification of the body itself (“The First Item”).
Cite your sources REMEMBER YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCE ANY TIME YOU: Directly quote your source Summarize your source Paraphrase your source You can do this in 2 ways: Signal phrase– According to… Parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence—(Lamb 12).
Questions about module 4? Please don’t go. How to earn Collaboration Credit on the next slide.
Save The Presentation Save these whiteboard screens as PDF files. Go to File, Save, Whiteboard. Select “Current Screen Group” Select Files of type: Whiteboard PDF. Pay attention to where you saved this file.
Collaboration Submission In a complete sentence, please share the date and time of the session you attended, as well as the teacher/moderator's name. In 3-5 sentences, please discuss your specific contributions to the collaboration you attended. What were your comments in the chat box and whiteboard, and did you share any information over the microphone with the group? In 3-5 sentences, please discuss how your attendance in the collaborations improved your English 3 assessment submissions. How did the session help you better understand the content? Please specifically state at least one thing you have learned from the collaboration. Briefly describe what a collaboration is in your opinion? Please discuss how interacting with your classmates enhanced your English 3 virtual experience. Send Reflection Document now.
Submitting Your Collaboration