Team Dustin Digmann Philip Johnston Tobias Scherf Project Breitenbush Internet Backup System – Program Review, November 2005 Team Dustin Digmann Philip Johnston Tobias Scherf Advisor Dr. Vegdahl, Dr. Ward Industry Representative Mr. Noah Van Dresser Intel Corporation November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Introduction Breitenbush Project is a backup system that allows users from the general public to backup their files persistently from anywhere in the world using the Internet (see Figure 1). November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Introduction (Continued) This diagram conveys the functional idea of the Breitenbush system. File push File pull Internet Server(s) Client(s) Figure 1: Breitenbush, simplified connection diagram. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Scorecard Investigate Hardware demands of database redundancy technique. We have started with simple pushes using a database model to store files. No drawbacks in performance have been discovered using the database. We need to confirm multiple clients using the database at the same time. The desire is to let up to 20 clients use the system at a time. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Scorecard (continued) Get a preliminary connection from Client to Server up. A preliminary connections module was designed and implemented. Connections to the database are now possible. Investigate Hardware demands of database redundancy technique. Not necessary, because not within scope. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Scorecard (continued) Attempt file transfer between Client and Server (hard coded, without GUI). The preliminary connections module needs refinement before we can attempt a successful push. This goal should be accomplished before the beginning of the spring semester. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Scorecard (continued) Preliminary database tests simulating situations of high load. To a small degree testing has started. The goal is to test up to 20 clients at a time to guarantee adequate performance. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Additional Accomplishments We have completed the Project Plan A design Analysis has been created. Preparations for a design draft are currently in the making. After eating lots of Turkey, we are all super motivated to push forward. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Plans We want to refine file transfer from a client to the server (database) We want to stress test the server (database) using up to 20 simultaneous connections. The GUI for the client will be further refined and integration of the communications module attempted. Server to client file transfer to be attempted. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Milestones November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Number Description Original 10/26/05 Previous Present Responsibility Func . Spec. Ref. 1 Project Approval Tue 9/20/05 Team 2 Build Servers Fri 9/23/05 PJ 3 Functional Spec. Approval Fri 10/7/05 4 Plan Approval Fri 11/11/05 5 Create Data Schema Fri 11/25/05 PJ, DD 6 Design Database Thu 12/8/05 DD Inherent in this 206 7 Design Release Document Fri 12/9/05 8 TOP’s Approval 9 Development Document November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Milestones (continued) 10 Construct Database Fri 12/16/05 DD Inherent in this 206 11 Build local file browser (GUI) TS 105 12 Build remote file browser (GUI) 104 13 Christmas Vacation Fri 1/13/06 Team 14 Implement Upload (hardcoded) Mon 1/30/05 PJ, DD 102, 202 (function) 15 Implement Download (hardcoded) 103, 203 (function) 16 Verification Document Mon 1/30/06 17 Version 0.1 Mon 1/31/06 18 Implement Upload Call (client) Mon 2/16/06 102, 202 19 Implement Download Call (client) 103, 203 20 Implement Upload Call (GUI) Thu 2/16/06 November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Milestones (continued) 21 Implement Download Call (GUI) Thu 2/16/06 TS 103, 203 22 Implement Login screen (GUI) Tue 2/21/06 100 23 Implement Login Mon 2/27/06 PJ 100, 200 24 Implement Logout DD 101, 201 25 Implement Communication (client/server) Tue 2/28/06 Team Inherent in 202, 203, 204 and 205 26 Version 0.2 27 Verification Testing Tue 3/21/06 28 Version 1.0 Wed 3/22/06 29 Optional Extension Implementation Fri 4/7/06 30 Founder’s Day Tue 4/11/06 31 Final Report Fri 4/21/06 November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Concerns/Issues Breitenbush does not have any concerns at the time. The project is on the right track to succeed. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering
Conclusions Preliminary Server connections module completed. Simple file push is possible using SQL syntax. Push load-testing to be completed. Simple file transfer from Server to client to be attempted. November, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering