Effective communication in IT projects as a success factor why women are the perfect match
About Me I am an IT Project manager with… Education in project management Passion for communication Tech enthusiast I am not a skilled developer, architect or other IT expert.
Typical IT Project Manager Education in IT Experience in Software Development Technical know-how in a specific area e.g. App Development Know-how in Requirements Analysis Experience in Project Management Analytical thinking Technical Focus
Why is communication so importANT...? Project managers spend most of their time communicating… with team members and other project stakeholders, whether they are internal or external to the organization. Effective communication creates a bridge between diverse stakeholders… …who may have different cultural and organizational backgrounds, different levels of expertise and different perspectives and interests, which impact or have an influence upon the project execution or outcome.“ PMBOK fifth Edition
Top 10 reasons why IT projects fail #1 – Scope Creep #2 – Overallocated Resources #3 – Poor Communications #4 – Bad Stakeholder Management #5 – Unreliable estimates #6 – No risk management #7 – Unsupported Project Culture #8 – The Accidental Project Manager #9 – Lack of Team Planning Sessions #10 – Monitoring and Controlling / Communication and Project Management competence related problems http://project-management.com/top-10-reasons-why-projects-fail
My View on IT Project Managers Education in project management Technical understanding Team leading Analytical thinking Quick Grasping Great communicator Communication Focused
Benefits of Communication Approach Focus on overall view Specialize on project management Offer different perspectives Lead the team Foster communication
Communication Effects… Structure Transparency Trust Responsibility Structure (Wipak) Trust (CCC) Transparency (Gespag) Risk (change request) -> example
Rules of EFFEctive communication #1 Never assume anything! Ask questions #2 Listen #3 Adapt your communication to the audience #4 Be consistent in your message #5 Plan communication
Rules of EFFEctive communication #6 Choose the right channel #7 Adapt your communication to the person & situation #8 Find your own communication style #9 Learn by experience #10 Never stop to communicate
Women, IT, Communication… perfect match?
Women in major tech companies Reference: http://www.cnet.com/news/women-in-tech-the-numbers-dont-add-up/
Women HAVE the perfect skills Curiosity Emotional Intelligence Building Bridges Designing and aligning Communication
Why should I choose it project management?
7 reasons for IT Project Management #1 Versatile Profession #2 Challenging by nature #3 Leading People #4 Rewarding Job #5 Great Development Possibilities #6 Good Income #7 Communication matters
Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Aviation Pioneer)