J.M. Collins jolinda_collins@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Writing Is Thinking J.M. Collins jolinda_collins@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Better Thinking = Better Writing
College thinking is the ability to think critically. The proof of this ability is the successful construction of argumentative essays that stake out and support a position persuasively. University of North Carolina Writing Center
PERSUASION Stake a position. Support an argument. Convince the reader PERSUASION Stake a position. Support an argument. Convince the reader. Write a thesis sentence.
What is a thesis sentence? A thesis statement states the significance of the subject to the writer.
What is a thesis sentence? A thesis statement states the viewpoint of the writer about the subject.
What is a thesis sentence? A thesis statement states the point to be proved about the subject.
Other names for thesis argument main idea controlling idea interpretation of a subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick. A thesis offers a way to understand the war or the novel that others might dispute.
The point of the essay must be direct and clear.
Not like this . . .
“But I don’t want to give away my ideas in the first paragraph“ Surprise Paper Academic Essay Mystery novel Fairy tale Short story Folk tale Crossword puzzles Sudoki Jokes Riddles Maze Direct answer Focus Logical Train of Thought Thinking skills Connection of thesis to every paragraph
Academic Writing to analyze to interpret to compare and contrast to analyze to interpret to compare and contrast to demonstrate cause and effect to take a stand on an issue to develop a thesis with convincing proof to argue a position Always assume that instructors expect an essay that argues a position in a thesis statement, even if the question does not explicitly ask you to do so. University of North Carolina Writing Center
Quality of Critical Thinking Criteria for Success Quality of Critical Thinking
Quality of Critical Thinking 1. Is there evidence for your statements? 2. Have you provided specific details as evidence? 3. Have you examined all possible evidence instead of using only the evidence that agrees with your thesis? 4. Have you connected examples of evidence to each other and to the thesis paragraph? 5. Is the logic of your argument convincing? 6. Is the significance of your viewpoint clear?
In other words . . . Why? How? So? So what?
The teacher has read the material. The teacher cannot read your mind.
Essay question #1: Compare and contrast the reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War.
Weak thesis>>>>>>>>>>> Restates the question without adding any information Add information right away. You are not writing a mystery novel.
Weak Thesis The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different. ------------------------------------------------------------------- So what? What reasons? How are they the same? How are they different? Where is the interpretation? What is the significance?
Revised Working Thesis While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision has become a working thesis with a reason for war and some idea of the way two sides disagreed. As essay develops, the writer will see that it is still vague or perhaps that each side had its own idea of morality.
Final thesis revision While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own rights to property and self-government. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision provides interpretation of evidence that reveals significance of issues of question. Interpretation of evidence requires proof. The statement needs convincing evidence.
Essay Question #2 Write an analysis of any two contrasting images or ideas in Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn.
Weak Thesis Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel. --------------------------------------------------------------- So what? Such vagueness leads to a general summary of the novel or your opinion, which is not what the teacher wants. The teacher expects analysis.
Revised Working Thesis In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore. ---------------------------------------------------------------- So what? What is the point of this contrast? What is its significance? Readers have no reason to disagree.
Final thesis revision Through contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests that the only way to find a true expression of American democratic ideals is to go back to nature and leave “civilized” society. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This sentence now is an interpretation of a literary work based on analysis of its content. This thesis statement requires proof. Not everyone will agree.
Essay Question #3 Was the New Deal of the 1930’s a liberal plan to create a welfare state in America, or was it a conservative defense of American capitalism?
Weak Thesis The New Deal was a conservative defense of American capitalism. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An assertion is not an argument. It repeats part of the question. It adds nothing to understanding the issues. Working thesis: The New Deal was a conservative defense of American capitalism because _________________________________________________.
Revised Working Thesis The New Deal both defended capitalist economic principles and offered government assistance to needy Americans, making it conservative and liberal at the same time. --------------------------------------------------------------- takes account of evidence and makes argument but is entirely wishy-washy: vacillates and doesn’t take position doesn’t answer question by choosing and defending
Final thesis revision Despite its work relief elements, the New Deal is best understood as a defense of American capitalism because its main programs attempted to create a stable environment for private enterprise. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Takes Position Offers argument Attends to conflicting evidence Requires convincing proof
There are many “right” answers Support with logic. Support with evidence. State a strong position. Don’t ignore conflicting evidence.