Making Power Point Presentations Lecture 2
Lecture Content Common mistakes Examples of Mistakes Tips for Improving Presentations
Lecture Content Templates Fonts Font Size Too Many Words Color Choice Animation and Sound Pictures and Graphs Mathematics Format Conclusion
Templates Use a color scheme Microsoft has several templates Use same scheme throughout presentation Changing styles could be distracting Microsoft has several templates Possible to find free templates on internet You could design your own templates
Fonts Pick an easy font to read Examples in their font Times New Roman Arial Tahoma
Fonts Bad fonts CHARLESWORTH Courier New (legal font) Mono Type Corsiva
Fonts Capitalize all letters in a word for emphasis! Capitalizing all words is like screaming at your audience!
Fonts Hard to read Capitalize all letters in word For emphasis Acronyms Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Fonts Italicize words For emphasis Long Quotes Used for book titles, journal names, etc.
Font Size Can you read this? This is not a vision test!
Too Much Text Having too much text Hard to read Are you going to read a book to the audience? Makes the text look “busy”
Too Much Text Biodiesel may cause engine problems, because it may eat and degrade various seals that lead to injector and fuel pump failures [2] Has a higher cloud point around 00 C [2] Cloud point-when fuel filter clogs Much higher for saturated fats [2] Most engine manufacturers have not extended warranties for using biodiesel [2] Fuel oxidation – lower storage life [2] Oxidation leads to hydroperoxides, which can form insoluble gums [2] Improves engine lubrication, extending engine life [2] Soygold Ag Environmental Products LLC
Too Much Text Too much information! I had a list of problems and then attached one benefit at the end. I spread the info. over three slides.
Too Much Text Problems with biodiesel Biodiesel causes engine problems Degrades seals Fuel pump Fuel injectors Poor cold fuel properties Higher cloud point Higher pour point
Too Much Text Problems with biodiesel No warranties for engines that use biodiesel Lower storage life Fuel oxidizes Can form insoluble gums in tank
Too Much Text Benefit of biodiesel Improves engine lubrication Could extend engine life Ag Environmental Products LLC manufacturers Soygold as fuel additive
Color Choice Keep color schemes simple Dark Background Bright Fonts Light Background Dark Fonts You can be creative, if in good taste! You can change the color or background of a slide for emphasis
Kenneth R. Szulczyk My Research Area Biofuels Kenneth R. Szulczyk My Research Area
Color Choice Can you read this? This is the ugliest background I have seen (from Microsoft)
Animation and Sound Moving text If movement is simple If movement is consistent Avoid annoying animations! You can use movement to hide text until needed.
Animation and Sound You can add sound, if it is part of your presentation Sound can be annoying!
Pictures and Graphs Only add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation Breaks up the monotony of the presentation
Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse gases Accumulate in atmosphere Prevent the sun’s radiation from leaving the earth Earth gradually warms over time
Pictures and Graphs Do not include complicated graphs Only add graphs or diagrams if it strengthens your message
U.S. Corn Wet Mill
Pictures and Graphs If graphs are in presentation Clearly define all units Keep graph simple
Pictures and Graphs What are the units? The graph has nice colors Hard to read the numbers
Mathematics Complicated mathematics may not be good for presentations Too much information to digest. If you have to do mathematics, give handouts
Mathematics Did you remember all that in 1 minute? If you include an equation, define all variables.
Format Outline your lecture (or presentation) Avoid full sentences Use about 2 to 6 bullets per slide Check spelling Word and PowerPoint will underline a word in red, if that word is not in dictionary
Format Organize the presentation well Face the audience Place similar ideas together Face the audience Don’t read your presentation Very mechanical Don’t hide behind the computer
Last Note Come to the presentation early Make sure the equipment works Bring your laptop. Sometimes there is a technical glitch!
Conclusion Be concise and to the point Only include diagrams and graphics if they enhance the presentation Last slide is a Summary or Conclusion
Conclusion Keep the presentation simple Avoid unnecessary sounds and animations Keep information well organized DO NOT read from your slides Remind your audience of key points at the end of the presentation