Proficiency & Achievement Students who are three years or more below grade level in reading and math will be placed in an intervention class. The placement will be fluid. Students will be able to move in and out of intervention classes based on their demonstrated need through the schools year. Assessments will be used as tools of measurement as well as the reading intervention program used. Progress monitoring being implemented during school wide intervention time. Development – Participation in ISLN meetings this year and the prior two years. Information being brought back and shared with teachers. Digital Learning within district at elementary and high school. Technology provided Digital Planning Co-teaching initiative Consolidated Planning Framework for Poverty by Ruby Payne for staff Counselors utilize use of individual student data to place students in core content courses and intervention labs as appropriate. To qualify for a level of placement students will need to satisfy 3 of the 4 qualifiers. KSI/RTI – The DoSE reviews all special education referrals prior to the ARC meeting to review and determine if evaluation is warranted. Reg Ed teachers becoming much better in documentation and knowledge is improving. Uploading assessments into CITTS as well as curriculum maps. Persistence to Graduation Tool Curriculum Assessment and Alignment Retraining in RTI The school will create a set protocol to guide departments win their curriculum alignment using the common Core and ACT’s College and Career Readiness system crosswalk, and the Kentucky Combined Curriculum Document. Academic and Career Advising – Operation Preparation Reviewing and revising courses in order to provide more career readiness opportunities. Offers several dual credit coursed in the areas of ELA. Academic and career counseling opportunities to students in grades 8-10 Career readiness Pathways Career Readiness Pathways Addresses students not CCR in the math with Morehead’s 091 & 093 Career Fair Adult mentors will be assigned by assistant Superintendent to each student self-reporting on PLAN/EXPORE planning to not complete high school or as being uncertain of post high school plans College & Career Readiness Proficiency & Achievement Closing the Gap In meeting KDE’s vision, the department has drilled down the necessary components that will need to be implemented in order to achieve success. The four primary components are: College and Career Readiness (CCR), Proficiency and Achievememnt, Closing the Gap, and Educator Effectiveness. As you can see they are each separate componenets, however they all interact and impact each other.