Welcome! Department Head Meeting January 29, 2019
Announcements Final Exams “In-class final examinations must be given in the places and at the times scheduled by the University.” It should be noted that faculty are not required to give a final exam. However, if an in-class final exam is given, it must be administered during finals week. Reminder: Final Exam Opt Out form
Announcements Ramadan Guidance Instructors are strongly encouraged to make reasonable accommodations in response to a student request to make-up a final examination missed by absence resulting from observance of Ramadan. An example of a religious accommodation may include the rescheduling of an evening exam to earlier that same day. Instructors should not ask a student for proof that their religious practices or beliefs are sincerely held for determining a religious accommodation. Answers to frequently asked questions about the Religious Accommodation Policy can be found here.
Send to provost@uconn.edu by February 15 Announcements Reminder: Governance Docs are DUE Requested: September 27,2018 Reminders Sent: October 17, 2018 and January 25, 2019 Merit Workload Bylaws Promotion and Tenure Send to provost@uconn.edu by February 15
RSVP to Amanda Pitts, amanda.pitts@uconn.edu by February 15 Announcements New Department Head Orientation Date: Friday, March 8 Time: 11:30am-4:30pm Location: Provost’s conference room, Gulley Hall RSVP to Amanda Pitts, amanda.pitts@uconn.edu by February 15
New Department Head Orientation Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office of the Registrar Office of Institutional Equity Office of Diversity and Inclusion Office of University Compliance Labor Relations Graduate School Ombuds Employee Assistance Program Counseling and Mental Health Services Promotion Tenure and Reappointment Consulting and Faculty Leaves
https://uconnalumni.com/about/history/awards/ Announcements Call for nominations- Alumni Faculty Excellence Awards Faculty Excellence in Research and Creativity Award in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Faculty Excellence in Research and Creativity Award in the Sciences Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award on the Undergraduate Level Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award on the Graduate Level Nominations are due to amanda.pitts@uconn.edu by March 8, 2019. https://uconnalumni.com/about/history/awards/
Announcements Call for nominations- Provost’s Outstanding Service Award The award honors faculty whose volunteer service (i.e., not that assigned as part of one’s job description or expectations in teaching, research or assigned service) is exemplary in enhancing the University’s mission in teaching, research, service, or engagement. Nominations are due to amanda.pitts@uconn.edu by March 15, 2019. https://provost.uconn.edu/about/awards/
Announcements My UConn App https://my.uconn.edu/myuconn/home/index