Arvin Advantage After School Program Staff Survey Results Compiled by G. Hui
Results of Staff Surveys (29 Responses) Survey question Staff Members Reporting Strongly Agree or Agree (%) 1. I am comfortable in presenting the new techniques that I have learned. 97 2. I am confident I provide a safe and welcoming environment for my students and parents. 100 3. I feel additional training is need to support students with homework and curriculum. 90 (Desire Common Core Math training K-6) 4. How often do you ask you students and parents to share in the design of the program and its activities? 59% responded 2-3 times
Results of Staff Surveys (29 Responses) Survey question Staff Members Reporting Strongly Agree or Agree (%) 5. I am using instructional strategies and materials to increase rigorous instruction 100 6. I am confident I provide and promote healthy choices and daily physical activity. 97 7. I develop learning goals for each activity and communicate these goals to the youth. 8. I adapt activities to accommodate the physical and developmental abilities of all students and actively encourage them to participate in the program.
Results of Staff Surveys (29 Responses) Survey question Staff Members Reporting Strongly Agree or Agree (%) 9. I can facilitate activities that engage students in active and meaningful experiences that build mastery and expand horizons. 100 10. I know the District’s defined vision, mission and goals and plan activities through variety of strategies. 97 11. I engage, communicate and connect parent to information and services available to them within their community and school. 76 12. I share data about the program strengths and challenges with students and involve them in program planning and goal setting sessions. 79
Arvin Advantage After School Program Student Survey Results Compiled by G. Hui
Results of Student Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME (72) ECR (80) SV (61) HD (58) 1. Do you have chances to work with other students to create fun activities/projects? 88 91 85 95 2. I feel safe in the in Arvin Advantage ASP. 90 3. I feel comfortable asking my after school teacher for help on homework. 93 89 82 4. I have a say in the lesson or activities I participate in during after school. 74 83
Results of Student Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME(72) ECR (80) SV (61) HD (58) 5. I am given academic support and collaborate to use critical thinking skills and having strategies. 88 85 90 6. What food choices would you like to see on ASP meals? TBA 7. I work on projects, activities, and events that expand my learning. 92 86 83 8. I am given an opportunity to share events about my experiences or background. 74 79
Results of Student Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME(72) ECR (80) SV (61) HD(58) 9. My after-school leader present activities that area actively engaging and meaningful. 85 89 90 10. I know the school/district’s vision and mission statement and participate in reaching the goals of the after school program. 88 79 11. I actively share my experiences and thought about the program to improve program activities. 83 87 86 12. I am actively engaged in assessing strengths and weakness and provide my thoughts for program improvement. 82 78 81
Results of Student Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME (72) ECR (80) SV (61) HD(58) 13. The after school program helps me to complete my homework... 86 93 85 79 14. The after school program helps me meet my academic goals. 91 89 83
Arvin Advantage After School Program Parent Survey Results Compiled by G. Hui
Results of Parent Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME (76) ECR (17) SV (41) HD (50) 1. I feel my child is safe is the Arvin Advantage ASP. 97 100 98 2. The homework assistance that my child receives in the Arvin Advantage ASP is supportive. 88 3. My child is engaged in the activities in the Arvin Advantage ASP. 99 96 4. My child is being supported in critical thinking skills, learning strategies and technology. 94 93
Results of Parent Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME(76) ECR (17) SV (41) HD (50) 5. I am given the opportunity to share in the design and activities of the program and its activities. 92 94 90 6. Arvin Advantage ASP provides my student with a healthy meal. 93 100 85 98 7. The program supports projects and activities in which students demonstrate mastery. 96 8. The after-school program implements a plan that reaches out to all participating students. 99
Results of Parent Surveys (% reporting Strongly Agree/Agree) Survey question BME(76) ECR (17) SV (41) HD (50) 9. The program recruits and retains high quality staff who are focused on creating a positive learning 99 100 95 90 10. The program has a clearly defined vision, mission and goals with measurable outcomes. 98 96 11. The program intentionally builds and supports collaborative relationships between internal and external stakeholders. 12. The program uses data from multiple sources to access its strengths and weakness in order to continuously improve the after-school program.