Applying the Gospel Mapping our Growth
Where are you?
We are good at assessing lesser things 2. Do we assess ourselves spiritually? When was the last time you did some soul searching with God and His gospel?
What are we growing to become? “That you may be mature and complete, lacking” “Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith” “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit”
Beware of weeds Benchmarks of growing Begin where you are
Begin where you are 4) Look at where you are at Build a foundation that will help us take the next step “For though by this time you ought to be teachers” (Hebrews 5:12) We don’t start with solid food of understanding 4) Look at where you are at 5) Have you grown in the Lord this past year? 6) We can find encouragement in seeing the progress we have made
Believing Growing Benchmarks of growing Mentoring Questioning Maturing
Beware of weeds We don’t grow in a straight line As we grow, we may continue to face the same temptations or new one Don’t get discouraged Keep growing
God invites us to grow Take the next step