Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 4th April, 2012 CER Offices Dublin
HWG Agenda Introduction 13.00 – 13:05 HSG Meeting Feedback 13:05 – 13:10 Enduring Solution Project Update ROI HSP Update 13:10 – 13:15 13:15 – 13:25 Market Design Update 13:25 – 13.50 HWG To-Do List Review 13:50 – 13:55 AOB & Closing 13:55 – 14:00 4 April, 2012
Minutes from HWG meeting – 22nd February 2012 Approval of Minutes Minutes from HWG meeting – 22nd February 2012 4 April, 2012
Feedback from HSG To be provided 4 April, 2012
Enduring Solution Project Update Ann Ferguson / Joan-Edel Smith 4 April, 2012
ROI HSP Update Conor Garrigan 4 April, 2012
Market Design Update Aileen O’Connor 4 April, 2012
Post-Harmonisation MDU Planning Active List Validation Today’s action is to start the phased validation of the Active List in preparation for the 1st Harmonised Market Release in June 2013 The Active List was circulated on 14th February 2012 for consideration List contents now need to be validated by the Market, phase 1 of which is requested today All MCRs presented today have previously been approved at IGG Five MCRs presented today have been re-versioned. Today’s Workload Subset of 7 MCRs from the Active List is presented today for: Classification Only [Two ROI Specific MCRs] Classification & Approval [Four Harmonisation Impacting MCRs] MCR for Withdrawal [MCR 80] Future Steps Seek agreement from MPs to include some, or all, Harmonisation Impacting MCRs, on long list for future implementation or; Seek agreement to withdraw some, or all, from Active List, if requested changes no longer required by Market. 04 April 2012
Today’s Workload Overview 04 April 2012
Previously Approved MCR’s – Reversioned Number Version Origin Request Description Requested at Today’s Meeting MCR 175 V3.0 ROI New Reject Reasons for Address Change Rejection Classification as Harmonisation Reversioned - Recommendation for Approval MCR 33 V2.0 New Field on 332 and 332W MM for Non-Interval De-Energisations MCR 34 New Field on 332 and 332W MM for Non-Interval Re-Energisations MCR 73 Proposal to make first name mandatory on market messages Approve Classification Approve Reversioned MCR Action at Today’s Meeting P 04 April 2012
Requested at Today’s Meeting Approve Classification Previously Approved MCR’s – ROI Specific CR Number Version Origin Classification Requested at Today’s Meeting MCR 87 MCR 130 V2.0 V1.0 ROI Exchanged Meter Ref amendment to provide only like for like exchanges Extra validation check required at creation of 306 and 307 messages Classification as ROI Specific Approve Classification Action at Todays Meeting P
Previously Approved MCR for Withdrawal Number Version Origin Request Description Requested at Today’s Meeting MCR 80 V1.0 ROI Remove Meter Point Status Field from 017 Message Classification as Harmonisation Impacting Recommendation for Withdrawal Details: Change was requested by ESB Networks and MCR was approved in early 2006. MCR has not been prioritised for delivery in any Market Release to date. Meter OPs, ESBN has carried out extensive research & can find no record of dealing with any incidence of this. ESBN is not interested in pursuing implementation of this MCR. Approval is now being sought to withdraw this MCR from the Active List. Approve Classification Approve Withdrawal Action at Today’s Meeting P 04 April 2012
Requested at Today’s Meeting Classification as Harmonisation Impacting DR 1096 - Customer Service Special Needs – Expansion of ROI code set to align with NI practice Number Version Origin Request Description Requested at Today’s Meeting DR 1096 V1.0 ROI Customer Service Special Needs - expansion of ROI Code set to align with NI practice Classification as Harmonisation Impacting Recommendation for Approval as DR & MCR In ROI, CustomerServiceDetailsCode is used in MMs 010, 013, 016, 017, 101, 105. It has eight associated values. This request is to have value 0008 "Dexterity Impaired" available for use in ROI. Classification as Harmonisation Impacting Approval as DR and MCR Action at Today’s Meeting P 04 April 2012
Open Items as at end of last meeting HWG Action Items Open Items as at end of last meeting 4 April, 2012
HWG Meeting AOB 4 April, 2012
Next Steps Next HWG meeting 23rd May, 2012 (Belfast) Dates for all meetings for 2012 are on the Calendar on the RMDS website 4 April, 2012
HWG Meeting Thank You 4 April, 2012