Interpreting Statistics LG: I can evaluate the reliability of data based on its source and assess the validity of conclusions presented in the media
Data Reliability When trying to evaluate the reliability of data, it is important to consider the source. Data supplied by people or companies who have a vested interest in the topic, may provide biased information
Consider the Following… Automobile safety information provided by: Canadian Government Vs. Mazda Which data source do you feel would be more trustworthy? Why?
Polls and Margin of Error A Poll is an interview with randomly selected people to determine their opinion about a particular topic. Poll results usually include a margin of error based on the reliability of the data collected.
What are some sources of statistics? What types of statistics are reported in the media? Can you think of any recent advertisements or media announcements involving statistics?
Statistics in the Media In groups of 4-6 students you will read an article When you are done reading, complete the worksheet: Media and Statistics – Use or Misuse As a group, use chart paper to summarize the findings of your article. If there is time, each group will present to the class.