DegreeWorks Training Guide A Degree Evaluation and Advising Tool for MERCY COLLEGE Information for Students Last updated 03/2014
What Is DegreeWorks? DegreeWorks is a web-based tool that will provide a clear and convenient method for you and your advisor to track degree progress, to prepare for registration, and to plan for graduation. DegreeWorks is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions. DegreeWorks functions best when you use Internet Explorer.
DegreeWorks vs. CAPP DegreeWorks provides information in a more user-friendly and readable format than our former program, CAPP. DegreeWorks will help Mercy College gather critical information to help with planning and reporting needs, which was also unavailable through CAPP.
Who can use DegreeWorks? All currently-enrolled students who: first attended Mercy College after Fall 2009 and are using the 2012-2013 catalog or a later catalog to fulfill their degree requirements Faculty, advisors, mentors, deans, department chairs, and academic support staff will also have access to the DegreeWorks worksheets for these students
Accessing DegreeWorks Log into Mercy Connect.
To log into DegreeWorks, click on the Student and Financial Aid Menu Add Mercy slide
Then click on DegreeWorks,
Reviewing Your Worksheet Each section is called a block. Starting at the top is the Student View block. This part of your record will contain basic information about your degree program, GPA, class status, advisor,, etc.
Just concentrate on the Still Needed sections highlighted in red. The Degree Progress Bar shows you an estimation of your progress toward degree completion. This estimation is based on the number of requirements that have been “checked off”. It may look like you are closer to your degree than you really are if a 4 credit class has been used to fulfill a 3 credit requirement. Discuss this with your advisor or mentor and we will make the necessary adjustments. Just concentrate on the Still Needed sections highlighted in red.
As you look down the audit you will see symbols next to each requirement or course. The green check mark means a requirement/course has been completed. An empty box means that it has not been initiated. A blue tilde indicates that it is in progress. A double blue tilde indicates that a requirement is nearly complete. (T) is an indication that the course was a transfer course. @ is a wildcard that represents any course number. * indicates that a Prerequisite is required for that course. The complete legend is at the bottom of the audit and shown below. Also, all hyperlinks should be clickable and will give you more information.
To the right side of the Degree Block, in the blue bar, are the Catalog Year and GPA. This Degree Block also shows the Credits Required and Credits Applied for this program of study. Again remember that 120 credits does not mean you have completed all your requirements. Concentrate on the Still Needed sections highlighted in red. (Add Mercy slide here) Credits Applied and Required Catalog Year GPA
Scrolling down, the next part of the worksheet shows any unmet conditions for the program of study. This area checks total hours, institutional GPA, General education requirements, Major requirements, special residency requirements for Accounting and Business majors, and Open electives. Once each of these requirements is complete, this advice will be removed from your audit.
The next part of the worksheet shows your core curriculum.
Hyperlink to course description In each of the requirements blocks, when requirements have been met, they are checked off in the boxes on the left. You will also see the requirement, course number, course name, grade, credit hours, and semester that this requirement was satisfied. Grade Semester Course Number Requirement Course Credit Hours When a requirement has not been met, a list of acceptable courses appears. These courses are hyperlinked to catalog descriptions showing prerequisites as well as when the course will be offered and how many seats are available for the current semester. Unmet requirements Course Needed Hyperlink to course description
The next section checks your major requirements.
The next box shows your free electives
Toward the bottom of the audit after the Major Requirements, there is a block titled Not Applicable to this Major. These are courses that do not fit into a particular area under the current major. This block will not appear if such courses do not exist.
The next block is titled Not Usable Due to Grade or repeat Status The next block is titled Not Usable Due to Grade or repeat Status. This shows the classes that you have withdrawn from or received a grade that is not acceptable for your major. If you do not have classes that fit this description, this block may be missing from the audit.
The next block is for In-Progress courses The next block is for In-Progress courses. These are courses you are either enrolled in currently or registered to take in a future semester. These are also listed above in the appropriate area of the audit. If you do not have classes that fit this description, this block may be missing from the audit.
The next block is for Exceptions The next block is for Exceptions. This shows courses that had to get an override to fulfill a specific requirement. If you do not have classes that fit this description, this block may be missing from the audit.
Finally, there is a section for Advisor Notes Finally, there is a section for Advisor Notes. This block shows notes that your advisor may have left for you during an advising session. If you do not have any notes applied, this block may be missing from the audit.
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