Progress in the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)


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Presentation transcript:

Progress in the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Noelia Vallejo Pedregal Nature Unit (B.3) DG ENVIRONMENT Expert Group on the management of Natura 2000 Brussels, 24 October 2013

Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Site of Community importance designated by the Member States through a statutory, administrative and/or contractual act where the necessary conservation measures are applied for the maintenance or restoration, at a favourable conservation status, of the natural habitats and/or the populations of species for which the site is designated. Habitats Directive Article 1(l) Once a site of Community importance has been adopted [on the Union list] the Member State concerned shall designate that site as a special area of conservation as soon as possible and within six years at most…. Habitats Directive Article 4(4)

Deadline for SAC designation (I) The 6-year deadline has expired for all sites included in the first lists of SCIs for the Macaronesian, Alpine, Atlantic, Continental, Boreal and Mediterranean biogeographical regions. (15 Member States). Macaronesian region: 28.12.2001  December 2007 Alpine region: 22.12.2003  December 2009 Atlantic region: 07.12.2004  December 2010 Continental region: 07.12.2004  December 2010 Boreal region: 13.01.2005  January 2011 Mediterranean region: 19.07.2006  July 2012

Deadline for SAC designation (II) For the other biogeographical regions the 6-year deadline is approaching: Pannonian region: 13.11.2007  November 2013 Steppic region: 12.12.2008  December 2014 Black sea region: 12.12.2008  December 2014 The deadline for sites included in the updated lists is also approaching: First update Continental region: 13.11.2007  November 2013 First update Boreal region: 13.11.2007  November 2013 First update Mediterranean region: 28.03.2008  March 2014

SAC designation June 2012: Note to the Nature Directors on the Designation of SACs under the Habitats Directive. Main conclusions: - Important progress and efforts made (designation and preparatory work) - Strong commitment towards designating SACs as soon as possible; - A wide range of conservation measures has been put in place; - On going and continuous work; - Significant work still to be done in several Member States.

SAC designation April 2013: EU Pilots requesting further information, update and clarifications: - Progress on SAC designation, perspectives and time-lines; - Confirmation and/or update of the information contained in the SDF; - Information on the content of the SAC designating; - Progress on establishing conservation objectives, perspectives and time-lines for completing this task; - Progress on establishing conservation measures, perspectives and time-lines for completing this task; - Information on the publicly available sources where conservation objectives and conservation measures can be consulted or requested.

Progress in the designation of SACs as for November 2012

Progress in the designation of SACs as for November 2012

Progress in the designation of SACs as for September 2012

Preliminary conclusions from the EU Pilots SAC Designation: Important delay on SAC designation, particularly in some Member States. There is in general a clear process and work plan for completing this task. Different approaches for SAC designation: statutory, legal and administrative acts common or site-specific designation In some cases, SAC designation has not triggered the definition of conservation objectives and the establishment of conservation measures. While in other cases, the definition of conservation objectives and the establishment of conservation measures is more advanced that SAC designation as such.

Preliminary conclusions from the EU Pilots Setting Conservation Objectives: General delay in setting Conservation Objectives. In general, mostly broad general objectives have been set. And further work is on going for the definition of detailed site specific conservation objectives. Some good examples of clear and well defined conservation objectives (national and site level; based on extensive scientific information, etc.) Importance of clear conservation objectives for establishing the necessary conservation measures.

Preliminary conclusions from the EU Pilots Establishing conservation measures: A wide range of measures is already in place, both for designated SACs as well as for SCIs, in some cases. However, in many cases, these are general broad conservation measures, not always addressing the conservation objectives of the site. Often, the measures currently in place are mainly preventive measures, not proactive conservation measures. In general, management plans are the tool providing more clear, detailed and site-specific conservation measures.

Preliminary conclusions from the EU Pilots Other general conclusions: Public availability is essential to ensure the legal clarity and transparency required for SAC designation; Public consultation can be a long and resource consuming process, but it is essential to ensure implementation and compliance with conservation measures; General guidelines or templates usually help to ensure coherence and better understanding of SAC designation and conservation measures.

Next steps Request of clarifications and final assessment of the replies to EU Pilots on SAC Designation. Bilateral communication of conclusions and further steps, in the framework of existing EU Pilots: Considering launching infringement procedures, where necessary. Future follow up of the progress on SAC Designation for which the 6-year deadline is approaching.

Thank you!