MSFD reporting in 2018 on updates for Art. 8, 9 & 10 Worked examples and focused outputs GES Working Group on Good Environmental Status 22 March 2018, Brussels David Connor DG Environment C.2
Reporting is the final essential step in the process Resources needed at each stage (Art. 8 example): Art 8 schema Indicator-based assessments Process data into assessment 'products' (Art 19.3) Collect monitoring data (Art 11)
Worked examples - Art 8(1a, b) Demonstrate use of schema per Descriptor Examples for all criteria Scenarios for available assessments or no assessments Scenarios for regional and national assessments Highlight fields not needed per Descriptor (grey) Highlight fields needed for focused outputs (yellow)
Contributes to criteria X Schema class Key to slides Marine Unit MarineReportingUnit GES component Overall Status Feature A Feature B Element Status Element A Element B Element C Criteria Status Criteria A Criteria A Criteria B Parameter A Parameter A Parameter B Criteria values Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Criteria Status Criteria status Criteria status Criteria status Element A status Element B status Contributes to criteria X Element Status GESextentAchieved Overall Status GESachieved: by YYYY
Arrived in 6-year period Arrived in 6-year period Descriptor 2 MRU: subdivision X GES component: D2 Feature: New NIS Feature: Established NIS Element: Species A Element: Species B Element: Species C Criteria: D2C1 Criteria: D2C1 Criteria: D2C2 Parameter: Arrived in 6-year period Parameter: Arrived in 6-year period Parameter: Abundance Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Status: Not Good Status: Not Good Status: Not Good Status: Not good Status: Not good Contributes to D2C3 GESextentAchieved: 2 new NIS in 6-year period Not required GESachieved: by 2020
Descriptor 3 MRU: subregion X GES component: D3 Feature: Commercial fish Element: Species A Population A Element: Species B Population A Element: Species B Population B Criteria: D3C1 Criteria: D3C2 Criteria: D3C3 Parameter: Fishing mortality Parameter: Spawning stock biomass Parameter: Size Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Status: Good Status: Good Status: Not assessed Status: Good Status: Not good GESextentAchieved: 43% (X of Y populations in good status) GESachieved: by 2020
Descriptor 5 MRU: coastal waters of RBD X GES component: D5 Feature: Eutrophication Element: Nutrient A Element: HAB Species Element: Oxygen Criteria: D3C1 Criteria: D5C3 Criteria: D5C3 Parameter: Conc. in water Parameter: No. of HAB events Parameter: Duration of HAB events Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Status: Not good Status: Good Status: Not good Status: Good Status: Good GESextentAchieved: 75% (of MRU is not subject to eutrophication) GESachieved: after 2020, exception
Descriptor 8 ? MRU: territorial waters of RBD X GES component: D8 Feature: UPBTs Feature: non-UPBTs Feature: Species Element: A Element: B Element: C Element: Dog whelk Criteria: D8C1 Criteria: D8C1 Criteria: D8C1 Criteria: D8C2 Parameter: Conc. in water Parameter: Conc. In biota Parameter: Conc. In sediment Parameter: Imposex Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Threshold Values Trend Indicator Status: Not good Status: Good Status: Good Status: Not good Status: Good Status: Good ? GESextentAchieved: 50% (of UPBTs achieve thresholds) GESextentAchieved: 66% (of non- UPBTs achieve thresholds) GESachieved: after 2020, exception GESachieved: by 2020
Thresholds & proportions Assessment area: MRU or habitat or species population within MRU Samples achieving threshold value Samples not achieving TV Scenario 1: Proportion to achieve set as 90% Values achieved: report highest and lowest Result: 92% (22 of 24) achieve TV; parameter achieved
Thresholds & proportions Assessment area: MRU or habitat or species population within MRU Samples achieving threshold value Samples/area not achieving TV Scenario 2: Proportion to achieve set as 70% Values achieved: report highest and lowest Result: 55% of area achieves TV; parameter not achieved
Improving reporting process No info needed: grey cells in spreadsheet Predefined list of elements: autofill of ElementCode and ElementCodeSource Copy entry: enter some info. only once and copy record – only change specific fields (values that change)
Proposed changes (main points): Clarify guidance text Art 9 – allow multiple MRUs Integration rules: move to OverallStatus class Threshold/Proportion values achieved: need to clarify what is expressed (6-year average, last year etc) Enumeration lists: some updates ThresholdValue: Upper and Lower RelatedIndicator: ever more than one per parameter?
Focused outputs Aim to clearly express extent to which GES is being achieved: Extent of pressures Extent of impacts Current status of species groups and broad habitat types How: Complete specific fields (Table 1 outputs highlighted in examples spreadsheet) 'Not assessed' as default when not yet known Use: Outputs per MRU aggregated to (sub)region Use in Art. 20, WISE-Marine