Rise of Military Dictators Julius Caesar
Objectives List the steps of the decline of the empire.
Key terms/People Dictator Julius Caesar Brutus and Cassius
Rise of Military Dictators Gaius Marius Recruits soldiers from the homeless poor Promised them land and money after the war
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Marius’s greatest rival –fought a bloody war Sulla captured Rome in 82 B.C. He became a **dictator--- person with absolute power Only suppose to be this for 6 months…went 2 years
First Triumvirate Triumvirate---rule by 3 1. Gnaues Pompey 2. Marcus Licinius Crasus 3. Julius Caesar Nothing in common except they didn’t like the senate or each other.
Julius Caesar Steps to power: Takes control of Gaul
49 B.C., Caesar is ordered home to Rome without his army He brought his army anyway…civil war breaks out Caesar defeats Pompey
Caesar returns to Rome as the Republic’s greatest hero. He became the sole ruler—titles of dictator and consul
Reorganized government and lowered taxes Moved army veterans to new colonies and gave them farmland Granted citizenship to people outside Italy Started a new and accurate calendar— Julian calendar
44B.C. Named dictator for life Caesar killed March 15th (Ides of March) 44 B.C. Brutus and Cassius thought he was trying to become king. Why? **He wore the color of royalty, purple
Objectives List the steps of the decline of the Roman empire. Civil wars, slave revolts, poor leadership Explain how the Roman emperors promoted peace Made all provinces follow the rule, created a civil service, allowed talented people take part in government.
Key terms/People Dictator Person with complete power Julius Caesar Had legions in Gaul fight with him /killed on the Ides of March..March 15, 44 Brutus and Cassius Killed Caesar, along with other senators, because they thought he wanted to become king.
Rise of Military Dictators http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPYuxReh7fM&feature=player_detailpage