A.1 clause 3.1.6 should clarify responsibilities of those involved in the process Responsibility of Text free of restrictions Text not free of restrictions Contributor Contributors should assure that text, diagrams, etc., included in their contributions are free of restrictions in order to facilitate their possible use, in whole or in part, in any Recommendations or other publications that are produced. Contributors are responsible for identifying any content within their contribution that is not free of restrictions, along with the nature of any restrictions. ITU-T group receiving contribution An ITU-T group may decide to use, in whole or in part, content from input contributions that is understood to be free of restrictions, in developing Recommendations and other publications. Any content in contributions that is not free of restrictions may only be used after receiving appropriate permissions (e.g., by following the procedures described in ITU-T A.25 to incorporate text with copyright held by an A.5-qualified organization).