Year 4 2018 Summer Term
Literacy Numeracy Science Fiction – Play scripts Place Non-Fiction – Persuasive Texts Poetry – Exploring Forms Guided Reading - Wonder Place Value, ordering, rounding. Understanding + and -. Money and ‘real life’ problems. Making decisions and checking results. Handling Data. Roman Numerals. Shape and space. Reasoning about shapes. Measures, including Mental and paper strategies for + and -. Understanding multiplication. Fractions. Decimals. Numeracy Which wild animals and plants thrive in our local parkland? What happens to the food that we eat? Science
I.C.T. PSHE Geography History Art The importance of money. Is it okay to feel this way? We are Meteorologists We are toy designers I.C.T. Linked to our Science topic. Which wild animals and plants thrive in our local parkland? Why is Manchester such a cool place to live? Geography History The Romans and how powerful they are Art Manchester artists
R.E. Design & Technology P.E. Music Italian Journeys and pilgrimage – Judaism A look at the beliefs, stories and way of life for the Judaism religion. The digestive system – healthy and varied diet Design & Technology Athletics – Showing the Olympians how to do it and smashing our personal bests! Swimming – At Urmston leisure centre – basics and life saving skills. P.E. Music Body percussion and Sing Up. Speaking and listening – Practical activities for a wide range of key vocabulary. Italian