ESS Standardisation DIME / ITDG steering group – Item for information Feb 2019 Contact : Luca Gramaglia – Unit B5 - Eurostat
The process of ESS standardisation Process and principles of ESS standardisation adopted by the 26th Meeting of the ESSC on 25 September 2015 Eurostat 3
Roles in the process ESS Standardisation Architecture Eurostat 4
Actors - Roles in the process ESS standardisation architecture Eurostat 5
Top down approach Based on ex ante analysis of existing – de facto standards (ESSnet on standardisation and EG on standardisation) First series of 10 ESS Standards approved by ESSC in 2017 The online catalogue of ESS Standards integrated in RAMON ESS Standardisation web site on CROS ESS Standards Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange - SDMX - SDMX 2.0 Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange - SDMX - SDMX 2.1 2012 Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM - GSBPM 5.0 2013 International Standard Classification of Education – ISCED - ISCED-2011 Business registers - Recommendations manual - 2010 Edition ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment 2015 Edition Electronic Data file Administration and Management Information System EDAMIS ESS Handbook for Quality Reports - 2014 Edition Handbook on Precision Requirements and Variance Estimation for ESS Household Surveys - 2013 Edition Single Integrated Metadata Structure SIMS 2.0 Eurostat 7
Bottom up approach In 2017, Eurostat set a annual process, involving business/production units and WGs asking for Need for standards Existing and upcoming candidate standards Planned change in existing standard The role of EG on Standardisation is to assess these candidate standards against the ESS standardisation principles. Eurostat 8
New candidate standards The EG on standardisation identified ESS guidelines on temporal disaggregation (WG Methodology - TF) Validation Handbook (ESS Vision 2020 Validation project and associated ESSnet) Validation and Transformation Language (joint undertaking by Eurostat and SDMX secretariat) as normative documents fulfilling the ESS standardisation principles and to be proposed to ESSC after written consultation of the DIME/ITDG Eurostat 9
State of play Other upcoming normative documents have been withhold for future adoption (2020-21) Guidelines on the quality of multisource statistics (ESS VISION 2020 ADMIN and the ESSnet "Quality of Multisource Statistics") Quality guidelines for frames of social statistics (ESS VISION 2020 ADMIN ESSnet "Quality of Multisource Statistics") Standard quality report (ESS Vision 2020 Validation implementation) Eurostat 10
Potential issues 2 out of the 3 standards proposed to the ESSC have received unanimous support from DIME/ITDG VTL 2.0 (adopted by SDMX sponsors) has not reached an unanimous consensus because its implementation has not been tested by all countries (8 countries). Eurostat left the final decision to the ESSC balancing the benefits of its timely recognition against the risks Main benefits of timely adoption of VTL Clear support to countries that are already investing and implementing it. Create favourable conditions for economy of scale through tool sharing in ESS and the breaking out validation pipelines (in Eurostat and in MS) For greater interoperability with partner institutions like ESCB which have already adopted In addition, given its scope of implementation (EU statistics validation) and the flexibility for its implemtation, it only marginaly impacts the NSIs production systems (in the baseline scenario only the translation from common language to national language(s) is required) Eurostat 12
Potential issues Top down approach Bottom up approach Still few candidate without a formal status UNECE Modern Stat Standards (GSIM, GAMSO, CSPA ,CSDA) not yet integrated in the ESS catalogue. Bottom up approach Limit with respect to strategic aims of standardisation (quality improvments, efficiency gains) The need for speed in an ever changing environment (new data sources) where standards need to be quickly identified and adopted Eurostat 13
Way forward EG on Standardisation to be more proactive with respect to external global standards (active watch) Developing guidelines on the status (non mandatory) and the use of ESS standards at destination of NSIs, Business owners Global mapping of ESS standardisation artefacts combining legal acts and ESS standards) EG on standardisation working closer with WG on standards (transfer of responsibility in Eurostat) Eurostat 14