Jamie Leeman, Senior Research Analyst


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Presentation transcript:

Jamie Leeman, Senior Research Analyst Business Intelligence W: www.cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk T: 01223 715300 E: research.group@cambridgeshire.gov.uk @CambsInsight

What is Cambridgeshire Insight? Initial Context What is Cambridgeshire Insight?- A local intelligence platform- a place for anybody to develop their intelligence about their area or about a specific socio-economic area. It is split into three key areas- Open Data, Data Visualisation and Research/Information. The public facing local evidence base. It showcases research, analysis, insight and information from a host of local partners. The site also acts as a local response to Open Data and users can access a range of local datasets including population estimates, population forecasts and local housing completions. Nobody knows your ward or community better than you but Cambridgeshire Insight allows you to access and share local data, find and download reports and discover intelligence about your local area. It acts as a valuable planning tool to support strategic planning for growth and development of services in the county but there are opportunities to further support evidence led decisions across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Why am I here To talk through and discuss the point of Cambridgeshire Insight and why we have it. Also, its an opportunity to talk through recent changes in the site and the vision we have been and continue to work towards and where the benefits lie for members and our wider target audience. By highlighting the changes we have made, you will begin to get some insight into exactly what we have done to achieve some of the benefits that this kind of platform can give. Worth reiterating… Corporate Site= Transactional relationship with the public Insight is all about the information, research and supporting policy making

Who contributes to Cambridgeshire Insight? Public Health Intelligence Cambridgeshire County Council Local District Councils Local Research Teams Local Housing Board ……………………………………………………………………among others Business Intelligence, Peterborough City Council, Sub-Regional Housing Board, Public Health Intelligence, Also have officers from GCP, VCS, 3C Services

Who can use Cambridgeshire Insight? Local Researchers and Analysts Members Parish Councils Officers Community Groups Anybody looking for funding opportunities Who are target audience? This again is really important to understand the value of Cambridgeshire Insight People who use public data. Public sector officers interested in evidence led policy. Elected district and county members Residents, community and voluntary groups, including those seeking funding. Data analysts/researchers from partner organisations e.g. NHS, housing agencies. Private sector data consumers.

How can Cambridgeshire Insight help you? Evidence demand / need through data Show existing challenges Provide local context at small geographies Offers interactive maps / reports Local research / analysis of need

Population and demographics Geographical Economic Deprivation Housing Heritage Open data Interactive Maps Infographics Interactive Reports Data visualisation Community Safety Health Education Population Demographics Economy Information and Research So this diagram helps explain exactly what the Cambridgeshire Insight website is and its key components. Describe each of these this but mention the purpose of the seminar is to talk through the upgrades to the ‘main site’ focusing on the areas in the box. All are inter-relatable though. Open Data feeds the data visualisation and helps steer the information and research. Similarly, the research helps to give context to numbers and offer expert interpretation of them. It’s also important to stress at this point that all of the above are developed across a partnership so we are helping to build the evidence base across multiple organisations and inter-relatable topics. My job is to manage this partnership and encourage officers from inside and outside our organisation to release as much evidence and analysis as possible. The partnership is currently made up predominantly of officers from:

Quick ward profile – walk them through the process …

Interactive Maps Open data Open layers Open classify Show Print function

Interactive Reports – Show different geographies and locations Show different themes Highlight key bits of data within reports

Document library Displays all published research from ourselves and partners in one easy to find place Each section expands Social media panel on the right as well We tweet data of note, research, local insight to try and spread the message of transparency and evidence to as wider audience as possible

Key Local Open Datasets – Open Data Portal Older People in Care Homes Older People in Receipt of Homecare Learning Disability Service Users Children in Need with Open Involvements Children with a statement of Statement of SEN or and Educational Health and Care Plan Adult Learners Children's, Families and Adults Summary Reports and Statistics by Electoral Division Adult Social Care and Older People Demographics Budget Activity for Adult Social Care, Older People, Looked after Children and Special Educational Needs Older People Domiciliary Care Average Costs OpenData Portal Datasets

Other Useful Data Resources- Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data- data.cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk Public Health Profiles- https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/ Cambridgeshire County Council Finance and Performance Reports- https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/council/finance-and-budget/finance-&-performance-reports/ ONS/National Data LG Inform

W: www.cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk E: research.group@cambridgeshire.gov.uk @CambsInsight