15 school days left until the EOC 15 school days left until the EOC. Fun fact: On average, a typical dairy cow lies down and stands up about 14 times a day.
Reminder: this unit is about maintaining homeostasis in the human body! homeostasis: a stable, internal environment
You want to be like this on the inside… Even if the outside world is like this…
Converts food into simple molecules that can be used by the body The digestive system has 3 very important jobs: Converts food into simple molecules that can be used by the body Absorbs food/nutrients Eliminates waste
The function of the circulatory system The circulatory system transports nutrients, gasses, and wastes to where they need to go in the body. It’s the highway
Respiratory System The respiratory system exchanges the oxygen we breathe in with the carbon dioxide our cells make during cellular respiration AND ALL OF THIS MAINTAINS HOMEOSTASIS!!!
The Nervous System Key Point #1: The nervous system is the part of the human body which controls us and determines what is happening in our bodies. There are 2 parts of the nervous system. The central nervous system The peripheral nervous system = everything else in the nervous system
A disease causing bacteria, virus, parasite, or fungus Key point# 2: The function of the immune system is to fight infection from pathogens A disease causing bacteria, virus, parasite, or fungus
Set up your bingo card!!!!
The following organs are in which body system? mouth Larynx Trachea Bronchi alveoli
I put my hand on a hot stove, I think I should move this, and then I move it The neuron responsible for moving my hand is called a ________________
I put my hand on a hot stove, I think I should move this, and then I move it The neuron responsible for feeling the hot stove is called a ________________
This organ is responsible for gas exchange in your lungs In other words: this is where oxygen and carbon dioxide switch
This organ is both a part of the respiratory and digestive systems
The following organs are in which body system? Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine
This organ is a part of the digestive system and it is responsible for sucking the good stuff (nutrients) out of your food!
This organ is your voice box
Your blood travels to your lungs in order to pick up this: _____________.
The following organs are in which body system? Arteries Veins Heart Red blood cells White blood cells
This organ is a part of the digestive system and it is responsible for sucking the water out of your food and turning it into waste
Your respiratory system is responsible for getting oxygen AND removing _________.
This part of your brain is responsible for involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, blinking, etc.
This part of your brain is responsible for controlling your balance
This tube brings food from your throat to your stomach
This organ is extremely acidic
These blood vessels bring blood from your organs back to your heart
These tubes funnel air from your trachea into your lungs
This body system allows your body to maintain homeostasis by allowing your body to process thoughts and respond to various different stimuli
These nervous system cells allow you to process thoughts and make decisions
These circulatory cells are responsible for transporting oxygen around your blood vessels
This is the organ that contains your sweat glands
This tube connects your throat to your bronchi
This part of your brain is responsible for voluntary functions such as reading and writing