Chapter 3 The Island
Chapter 3 “The Island” Mafatu fears the island has other human inhabitants. Ambivalent: to feel ambivalent about someone or something is to have both positive and negative feelings at the same time. Examples of Mafatu’s Ambivalent Feelings: *How does the chapter’s title relate to the events in the chapter? Literally: Figuratively:
Explain the Quotes “Then the thought of killing a wild boar in single-handed combat struck him dumb with wonder. Why, he would never have dreamed of such a thing in Hikueru!” “But perhaps after all it had been only a cruel prank of Moana, the Sea God, angry at having been cheated. The boy seems to hear Moana saying “Someday, someday, Mafatu, I will claim you.” “It is you, Maui, who have led me to this island. I know it. Do not forsake me now!”
Vocabulary for Ch. 3 sustenance resolution desperation perspiration temptation famished alien premonition congealed apprehension