GM-CSF–producing γδT cells are involved in the development of EAM GM-CSF–producing γδT cells are involved in the development of EAM. (A and B) EAM was induced in WT mice. GM-CSF–producing γδT cells are involved in the development of EAM. (A and B) EAM was induced in WT mice. Where indicated, 300 μg of anti–GM-CSF mAb or control IgG was injected i.p. on days 2, 7, and 16 of EAM. (A) Upper panel, Mean ± SEM of muscle weakness. n = 3 mice. Middle panels, Representative photomicrographs of H&E staining of the quadriceps. Scale bars, 100 μm. Lower panel, Muscle histological scores. n = 5 (anti–GM-CSF mAb) and 6 (control IgG). (B) The numbers of the indicated cells in the muscle. n = 4 (anti–GM-CSF mAb) and 6 (control IgG). *p < 0.05. (C and D) EAM was induced in TCRδ−/− mice and WT mice. (C) Upper panel, Mean ± SEM of muscle weakness. n = 3 mice. Middle panels, Representative photomicrographs of H&E staining of the quadriceps. Scale bars, 100 μm. Lower panel, Mean ± SEM of muscle histological scores. n = 6 mice. (D) The numbers of indicated cells in the muscle. Mean ± SEM. n = 6 (WT mice) and 5 (TCRδ−/− mice). *p < 0.05. Takahiro Kageyama et al. ImmunoHorizons 2017;1:176-187 Copyright © 2017 The Authors