"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker https://youtu.be/AvuFHGKkmMM Audio version (22 min.) https://youtu.be/uKU_PLHjA3s video of story (25 min.) https://www.shmoop.com/everyday-use/themes.html Resources
Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer. How does being limited to the narrator's point of view affect our reading of the story? What would the story sound like if it were told from a different character's point of view? Which details does the narrator leave out of the story that you wish she'd told us? How might they affect our interpretation of the story? Did you agree with the narrator's decision to give the quilts to Maggie? Why? We're told that the narrator's education ended in 2nd grade, while Dee has been to college. How do their different educational backgrounds affect their relationship?