8th Grade Science Content Strand 1 1a relates to all other objectives Inquiry 8th Grade Science Content Strand 1 1a relates to all other objectives
Important Vocab Revise: change with new information Justify: support with evidence Inference: conclusion based on data Qualitative observation: no numbers: bubbles, colors Quantitative data: numerical Skepticism: doubt & leads to new investigation Hypothesis: prediction based on background knowledge Validity: makes true (look at constant variables, control groups, or only one IV) Defend: positively support based on evidence Solution: answer to a problem…perfect ones don’t exist in science
1a.Independent Variable The part of an experiment that changes because it is controlled by the experimenter and is used to affect the dependent variable Typically found on the outer parts of a data table Color Heat absorption each minute red black blue green
Heat absorption each minute 1a.Dependent Variable The part of an experiment that changes because it is affected by the independent variable The amount or type of change is measured Typically found inner parts of a data table Color Heat absorption each minute red 70C 80C 90C 100C black 130C 160C blue 8.50C 9.40C 10.10C green 110C
1a. Constant Things that remain the same in an experiment in order to make data more reliable and valid Ex. Same type of soil, plant, amount of sunlight, & environment
1a. Control Group The part of an experiment that does not receive the independent variable and is used to compare the effectiveness of the IV Ex. The last plant did not receive fertilizer when testing which fertilizer works the best
1a. Logical Makes the most sense Logical justification, logical defense (supports conclusion), logical inference/conclusion, logical evidence Answer must be supported by the data from the experiment information in the paragraph or a picture associated with the experiment
1a. Validity and Reliability Validity- whether an experiment is accurate Experiment follows design of scientific method Control group Constant variables IV & DV Reliability- whether an experiment is repeatable Same results every time. Good use of constants
1.b&c Making Observations & Collecting data for conclusions Observation- information gathered directly through senses.
1.b& c. Qualitative Data that is not measured or counted. Color Presence of bubbles Formation of a solid
1.b&c. Quantitative Information using numbers: Mass (5g) Length (2m) Temperature (22OC) 32 students in class
1.d. Analysis & Inferences Analyze the data (look for patterns) Inference- Make a conclusion based on evidence in the experiment Evidence must come from the data/investigation Find a cause & effect relationship between the IV & DV
1.g Revising conclusions Revise: To change in order to improve or make better Look for the new information that is given to support why the conclusion should be revised/changed No new experiment necessary because there is no skepticism
1.h. Skepticism Causes one to doubt or change your mind about a conclusion which leads to new investigations Find the answer choice that reflects a new investigation that would validate the original results. Do not choose “do the same investigation again…something must change related to why there is skepticism.
Example ?
1.e. Justify/defend Conclusions highlight the conclusion you are justifying, defending, supporting, revising, or skeptical of & Look for evidence in the data Supports – look for positive answer choices Does not support – look for the negative answer
f. Perfectly designed solutions do not exist. Highlight the solution & decide if it is flawed Most of the time the solution will be flawed meaning you will choose “NO” Choose the most logical reason it will be flawed based on info in the question
Test taking Tips
Read all answer choices before selecting a final answer Eliminate answer choices Watch for distracters Circle/underline key words (vocabulary) Read the question before & after reading the answer choices Identify which content/objective the question is related to Write notes on scratch paper Flag all questions you have some doubts Watch out for “absolute” word answers (ex. Always, never, none, all, only) these are usually wrong answers