Third Grade News February Newsletter Other News Please remember to sign your child’s behavior sheet/ reading log each night. Students should be reading at least 30 minutes each night! Reading: Biography Book Clubs will be our next unit in reading. Students will practice describing characters using their traits, motivations, and feelings. They will also discover how the events in a persons life are in sequential order. Math: Students are completing a unit on shapes and their attributes. The next unit will be on Area and Perimeter. Writing: Students will complete the Poetry Unit. The next unit in writing will be Fairy Tales. Students will create their own Fairy Tale with a happy ending. They will use their prior knowledge of the characteristics of fairy tales to create an original fairytale. Social Studies/Science: Our next science unit is titled Earth: The Universe. Students will recognize that the earth is a part of a system called the solar system that includes the sun (a star), planets, and many moons and the earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. Dates to Remember 7- Report Cards 8-EOQ Assembly 8:30 8-All Pro Dads 12-Chick-Fil-A Night 14-Valentine’s Day 18-Snow Make up Day 25-Box Tops Fundraiser 26-Card Fundraiser Kickoff