Paper ID: XX Track: Track Name The 8th Post Graduate Conference of Computer Engineering (cPGCON-2019) Paper Title Paper ID: XX Track: Track Name Presented by: Mr/Ms XYZ Guided By: Prof/Dr XYZ College Name College Code
Contents Introduction and Motivation Literature survey Issues and Challenges Proposed Methodology Results and Discussion Methodology of Evaluation Conclusions and Future Work References cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Introduction cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Motivation We observe in [5][69][14]that We notice that cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Literature Survey cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Issues and Challenges cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Problem Statement Statement Objective (s) cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Proposed Approach/Methodology The central outline of the proposed algorithm is as follows. cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Proposed Approach/Methodology The central outline of the proposed algorithm is as follows. cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Data Set We use --- dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository with records and attributes. . cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Results and Discussions cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Methodology of Evaluation We compare our proposed approach with state of the art cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Methodology of Evaluation We use Python and MySQL for the implementation and run on Operating system : cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Metrics of Evaluation We evaluated our proposed approach with respect to the parameters such as We ran our proposed approach on the various cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Test Application cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Observations It is indeed feasible to make a ….. During the evaluation, we notice that our proposed approach, ….. cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Conclusions In our Approach, we proposed a ….. cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Future Work In our research attempt, we have focused on the Thus, our future work would be to extend the cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx
Thank You cPGCON-2019 Paper ID=xx