Head to Toe Assessment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP4zgb9H3Cg Generalized patient assessment Work from the head down Know normal = identify abnormal
Palpate Head and Neck Checking for lumps and bumps any lesions or tenderness
Check the ears Use an Otoscope
Check Nose and Mouth Is there redness, swelling, drainage, abnormal bumps, color, lesions
Pupil Check PERRLA (pupils, equal, round, react to light, accommodate) Accommodate – ability of eyes to focus on objects that are close up and faraway
Neck Veins
Heart Sounds
Auscultation of Breath Sounds Normal Crackles- light crackling, bubbling Rhonchi- coarse crackles Wheezes- creaking, whistling, high pitched
Pulse Checks Strength of pulse 0 = absent 1 = barely palpable 2 = easily palpable 3 = full 4 = Bounding pulse
Capillary Refill < 3 second Blood return The rate at which blood refills empty capillaries Indication of dehydration and peripheral perfusion
Homan’s Sign
Skin Turgor 1-3 second return Used to assess the degree of fluid loss or dehydration
Skin Breakdown Check
Peripheral Edema Caused by fluid in the tissues tends to be dependent 0 no edema +1 Trace indentation rapid return to normal +2 Mild indentation rebounds in a few seconds +3 Moderate, 10-20 second to return to normal +4 Severe, >30 second to return to normal
Peripheral Edema
Bowel Sounds Absent, Hyperactive, Hypoactive, Normal To state absent you must listen for 5 min in each quadrant
Palpate the abdomen To be done after listening to bowel sounds
Pain Location, duration, sensation, intensity What makes it worse or better
Baby Reflexes
Assessment Song