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HTML is the fundamental All web pages are written in HTML You can see how it be done by View → Original File Reference web site:

HTML - Tag is everywhere Today is a nice day for learning HTML Today is a nice day for learning HTML【其中,nice這個字是粗體】 Today is a <粗體開始>nice<粗體結束> day for learning HTML Today is a <b>nice</b> day for learning HTML

HTML Tag Rule Usually paired <html>…</html> <body>…</body> Some tags are alone <br> <hr> No cross between pairs <tr><td>good</tr></td>←Wrong <tr><td>good</td><td>morning</td></tr>

Basic Html Architecture <head> </head> <body> </body> </html> <title>…..</title> Your content is here !

Table Basic Tags <table>...</table> - table <tr> - row difinition <td> - data cell <table border> <tr> <td>Food</td> <td>Drink</td> <td>Sweet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>A</td> <td>B</td> <td>C</td> </tr> </table> Food Drink Sweet A B C

Table Design <table border> <tr> <td> </td>

Table Caption <caption align=#> ... </caption> #=top, bottom <table border> <caption align=bottom>Lunch</caption> <tr><td>Food</td><td>Drink</td><td>Sweet</td></tr> <tr><td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td></tr> </table>

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